2020年5月3日 星期日

WHO warning - antibody do not guarantee immunity from new corona

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
新型コロナ、抗体による免疫の保証なし WHOが警告
2020.04.26 Sun posted at 10:22 JST

(CNN) 世界保健機関(WHO)は24日、新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかった人が必ずしも免疫を獲得し、再感染しなくなるとの保証はないと警告した。








(CNN) The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that people with new coronavirus infection would not necessarily get immunity and that there was no guarantee on not being re-infected again.

In some countries, an "immunity certificate” was currently being considered to be issued to healers based on the speculation that once a new virus infection had occurred, they were immunized and could return to normal life.

The WHO said in its report that there was currently insufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of immunity due to the formation of antibodies in the infected body, and the accuracy of these certificates could not be guaranteed.

WHO's Dr. Maria van Kerkhoffe had already said that it was unclear if infected individuals could develop complete immunity. The views of the new report were in line with this.

Dr. Hayden, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Infectious Diseases (IDSA) and head of the Infectious Diseases Department at Rush University Medical Center, said in a press conference on the same day that, "It is not known whether people with antibodies are at risk of reinfection. I have to assume that there is a risk. "

Hayden also pointed out that even supposed that the antibody had protective power, it was unclear if it was complete or partial, and how long it could last. He emphasized that the antibody response was known to weaken over time.

IDSA pointed out the important point of not to change current behavior, for example people who had antibodies continued to avoid contacting with others as much as possible. Mr. Hayden warned that misinterpreting the antibody could put people at unnecessary risk.

              So, at this moment our knowledge about the antibody of new virus is very limited. I hope politicians should avoid promoting its effectiveness too early for the purpose of gaining political mileage.

