11月06日 14時46分
ペリリュー島の犠牲者の慰霊活動を長年一緒に行ってきた「水戸二連隊ペリリュー島慰霊会」の影山幸雄事務局長は「永井さんは最後の生存者として『戦争は絶対にやってはいけない』ということを、説得力のあることばでいつも伝えていた。かけがえのない人を亡くし大変残念だ」と話しています 。
Keiji Nagai from Ibaraki-cho of Ibaraki, who had been
carrying out activities to pass on his war experience and was one of 34 former
Japanese soldiers returned from Peleliu Island in Palau that was a place of
fierce battlefield in the Pacific War, had died of colorectal cancer.
He was 98 years old.
Mr. Nagai was born in Kasama City of Ibaraki Prefecture in
Taisho 10th year. In 1945 at the end of the Pacific War, fierce battles took
place between Japan and the United States. He joined the battle on Peleliu
Island of Palau with about 10,000 former Japanese troops participating, and
almost all were completely annihilated in about two months.
There were only 34 ex-Japanese soldiers returning from
Peleliu Island. Nagai, as the last survivor, in recent years had been focusing
on activities in passing on war experiences.
According to his family, Nagai was diagnosed with colorectal
cancer last year and had been treated, but died on the 4th at a hospital in
Mr. Yukio Kageyama, Director of the Mito Second Regiment
Peleliu Island Reunion Society who had been performing the memorial activities
for the victims of Peleliu Island for many years, said, “As the last survivor,
Nagai always communicated in a compelling language that war should never be made.
I'm very sorry to lose this irreplaceable person. ''
So, Mr.
Nagai has used his time meaningfully after returning to Japan to preach about
the horror of a war.