2012年5月13日 星期日


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:




20125102045分 読売新聞)
The machine manufacturer "Matoba electrical machinery factory" (Kawagoe-shi, Saitama) announced on the 13th March this year that in Aichi there was an accident on the 10th which  a woman in her 60's using the home electricity massaging tool manufactured by the company had her dress tangled with the roller and she died from suffocation.
The same product was involved in three death accidents that had occurred, and the company also had appealed for cautions  in 2008. 

The product was the "Albi workout roller", about 420,000 sets were manufactured between 1983 - 1990. Although the leg etc. could be applied to a protruded roller to be massaged and rubbed, the woman who died had removed the roller cover which was made of cloth; and when she used it towards the region near the head, her dress got entangled with the roller and her head became bound tightly. The company had contacted the Aichi Prefecture Police on March 15, and it was said that there was a reply on the 7th this month saying that "no doubt the death incident is related to the product".

Obviously, to use the the machine with its safety cover removed is a dangerous act.

