2012年5月4日 星期五


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
富山県立イタイイタイ病資料館は、県がおよそ4億2000万円をかけて富山市に作ったもので、29日は関係者が出席して開館式が行われました。 富山県の石井知事が、「悲惨な公害病が二度と繰り返されないよう、被害の教訓や貴重な資料を後世に受け継いでいきたい」とあいさつしました。
式のあと、出席者は展示室や資料閲覧室などを見学していました。 資料館にはイタイイタイ病の発生状況を示した展示などがあり、被害状況を知る「語り部」が経験を語る活動も行われます。
The prefecture scientific library on itai-itai disease, being one of the four major pollution-related sickness, was opened to tell the lessons of the itai-itai disease which occurred at the Jintsu River valley in Toyama prefecture.

The Toyama prefecture itai-itai disease scientific library was set up by the prefecture in Toyama city after spending about 420 million yen; people concerned were present and the opening ceremony was held on the 29th. In his greeting Governor Ishii of Toyama Prefecture said that "I would like to inherit the lessons and the precious data on the damages, hand them down to the future generations so that this miserable pollution-related illness would never be repeated."

Then Kunihiro Takagi representing the conference formed by the residents who had suffered damages said that "regarding those many people who have suffered from the itai-itai disease and passed away in regrets, now they are being missed. The establishment of a public scientific library which has been asking for by us ten years ago is now realized, I thank you."

After the ceremony, the participants inspected an exhibition room and a data reading room etc. In the scientific library there was exhibition etc. which showed the situation of the occurrence of the itai-itai disease, and there was activity which a "storyteller" who knew the suffering situation would talk about the experience.

While the residents who suffered damage had so far played the role in telling the lessons of itai-itai disease, with the opening of the prefecture scientific library, Toyama Prefecture would also play a role, and President Takagi of the victim organization said this opening had a big meaning.

A few decades age, industrial pollution was a serious problem in Japan.

