2012年5月15日 星期二


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:

According to the population estimation which was announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the overall population of Japan as of October 1st last year was 127,799,000 people, being a decrease of 259,000 people compared with the previous year, and it became the greatest decrease since the 25th year of Showa which had comparable records. According to all prefectures, the highest pace of decrease in population was in Fukushima Prefecture at 1.93%, and that showed the influence of the East Japan great earthquake and the nuclear power plant disaster.
According to it, as of October 1st last year, the overall population including Japanese and foreigners, the male was 62,184,000 people and female was 65,615.000, in total the overall population of Japan was 127,799,000.
The overall population compared with the previous year showed a decrease of 259,000 people, by ratio it was a decrease of 0.2%; the reduction in number and the pace in decreasing became the greatest since the 25th year of Showa which had comparable records.
According to individual prefectures, population was decreasing in 40 prefectures, the highest rate of decrease was in Fukushima prefecture at 1.93%, next was Iwate Prefecture at 1.21%, and then Akita Prefecture at 1.03% and so on. Furthermore, as for the foreigners, the emigrants exceeded the immigrants by 51,000 people and became the greatest area of decline.
About this result, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications analyzed that it was due to "the influence of the East Japan great earthquake and the incidents at the number one nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power at Fukushima, in addition to the widened difference in "natural decrease":  the number of the people who died and the number people who were born."

In order to improve the situation, Japan should open its door to accept more immigrants.

