2020年5月24日 星期日

US Secretary of State Pompeo accuses Hong Kong version of National Security Act - "The bell of death"

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
ポンペオ米国務長官、香港版国家安全法の提案を非難 「死を告げる鐘」
2020.05.23 Sat posted at 13:00 JST

(CNN) ポンペオ米国務長官は22日、中国政府が香港版国家安全法の制定を全国人民代表大会(全人代、国会に相当)に提案したことについて、香港の自治に「死を告げる鐘」になると非難した。








 (CNN) US Secretary of State Pompeo on the 22nd accused the proposal of the Chinese government to enact a Hong Kong version of the National Security Law at the National People's Congress (NPC, equivalent to the Diet), as it would become a "bell of death" on the autonomy of Hong Kong

In a statement, Pompeo said, "If you made a decision to violate Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom guaranteed under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Hong Kong Basic Law, unavoidably it will affect our assessment of the One-Country-Two-Systems and also Hong Kong’s status."

The Hong Kong version of the National Security Law was expected to prohibit incitement and state division, and the subversion of central government. The introduction would be decided in this year's NPC.

Pompeo requested the Chinese government to "rethink its catastrophic proposals, comply with international obligations, and strongly urging respects for a high level of autonomy and democratic system, and the freedom of the people." He pointed out that a respect for autonomy was an important factor in maintaining Hong Kong’s "special position” under US laws.

 In face of the current global epidemic of the new coronavirus, the exchange of words had  become more intense between the US and China, and the Trump administration had accused China of failing to ensure its transparency at an early stage.

Hong Kong held a certain degree of democracy and civil liberties under the jurisdiction of the Chinese government under the One-country-Two-systems. It also had a special trading position with the United States, allowed with certain exceptional measures not made available to mainland China.

In the United States last year its congress had passed the "Hong Kong Human Rights Democratic Law" which supported Hong Kong's democratic demonstrations that was signed by President Trump. Under the law, the United States had to annually verify whether Hong Kong's autonomy was maintained and report this to the congress. If it was determined that the autonomy was inadequate, Hong Kong might lose its special status.

              So, the USA is giving out a warning to China that Hong Kong’s special trading relationship with the United States could be lost if Hong Kong’s autonomy is eroded.

