2012年5月10日 星期四


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
これは、去年11月に行った航空機によるモニタリングの結果を基に、除染の効果は考慮せず、空間の放射線量が、5年後や10年後に年間どの程度になるのかを予測したものです。 それによりますと、5年後の2017年3月には、福島第一原発がある双葉町と大熊町では100ミリシーベルトを超えている地域が一部あるとしています。
On the 22nd (April), Edano the Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry at a conference at Futaba county of Fukushima indicated that because of the accident of the Tokyo Electric Power's number one nuclear power plant at Fukushima, showed a prediction that in Futaba city and Okuma city in the ten years from now, the dosage of radiation in these area would exceed 20-mm sievert per year, and it was still a difficult issue for the residents to return.
This was a prediction on the annual amount of radiation dosage in the area in five years and ten years based on the result of a monitoring work conducted by the airplane in November last year, ignoring the factor of doing decontamination.
According to it, supposedly some parts of the area inside Futaba town and Okuma town where Fukushima's  number one nuclear power plant was located would exceed 100-mm sievert in five years from now in March 2017.
Moreover it was supposed that at some locations in Futaba city, Okuma city, and also in Namie city, 50-mm sievert would be exceeded. Furthermore, in ten years from now in March 2022, although the number of location that had over 50-mm sievert inside Futaba city, Okuma city, and  Namie city would decrease, some residual could remain.
In these three cities and also in the Tomioka city, some area would exceed 20-mm sievert, showing that the prospect for residents to return remained a difficult issue.

The problem of radiation would be a long term issue for the Japanese government.

