2023年4月12日 星期三

Beethoven's hair tresses reveal family history and health issues (2/2)

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

ベートーベンの毛髪の房が解き明かす、家族の歴史と健康問題 (2/2)

2023.03.24 Fri posted at 21:00 JST

CNN - Ashley Strickland























What genes reveal

The researcher team obtained and began analyzing a total of eight hair samples from public and private collections in the UK, continental Europe, and the US. Two were not Beethoven's, and one was too damaged to be analyzed.

Previous research had suggested that Beethoven had lead poisoning, but this study turned out was based on a hair sample that was not Beethoven's but from a woman, as confirmed by DNA.

The remaining five of the eight samples were all from the same European male, consistent with Beethoven's German ancestry. In April 1826, Beethoven gave a tuft of hair to the pianist Anton Halm, telling him, "That's my hair!"

Genetic analysis found clues hidden in Beethoven's DNA that could lead to health problems.

Krause, mentioned earlier, said that while "We didn't find a definitive cause of Beethoven's hearing loss or gastrointestinal ailments", "we found several important genetic risk factors for liver disease."

"We found evidence that Beethoven had been infected with the hepatitis B virus at least a few months before his final illness, which likely led to his death." (Krause)

The researchers were also able to use the genetic data to identify the exclusion factors that plagued Beethoven. Small bowel diseases such as celiac disease, autoimmune diseases, lactose intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome corresponded to this.

Letters written by Beethoven himself and his friends indicated that Beethoven was a regular drinker. It was difficult to determine how much he drank, but one of his close friends noted that Beethoven drank at least a liter of wine in lunch each day.

Drinking, with a combined genetic risk factor for liver disease and hepatitis B infection, might have contributed to the worst situation just before death.

Tristan Begg, lead author of the paper and PhD student at the University of Cambridge, said "If his alcohol consumption was high enough over a long enough period, one explanation is that an interaction with genetic risk factors led to cirrhosis."

But the researchers cautioned that, when all these events occurred, it would be crucial to understanding Beethoven's cause of death. He also pointed out that future research might provide more insights, including the causes of hearing loss.

"By making Beethoven's genome available to researchers, and by adding newly identified tufts of hair in chronological order to those which were first found, I hope that one day we will be able to clarify the questions around health and ancestry." (Begg)

Secret hidden in DNA

After performing a genetic analysis, the researchers compared the DNA of Beethoven's relatives who still lived in Belgium. As a result, an unexpected outcome was obtained that a perfect match could not be concluded.

Some of the relatives shared Beethoven's paternal ancestry in the late 1500s and early 1600s, but did not match the Y chromosome found in Beethoven's hair samples.

This suggested that somewhere in the family history, an extramarital affair existed and a child was born on Beethoven's paternal side.

"Given the combined DNA data and historical records, we could observe that there is a discrepancy between the legal and biological ancestry of Ludwig van Beethoven", said Co-author Maarten Larmuseau, an expert in genetic genealogy at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium.

Researchers dated 1572 as the time when Hendrik van Beethoven, a paternal ancestor seven generations before Beethoven, was conceived; it was presumed that an extramarital affair existed somewhere during 1770 and Beethoven was conceived.

              So, researchers analyze the DNA left in Beethoven's hair tresses to sequence Beethoven's genome for the first time ever. The Y chromosome found in Beethoven's hair samples do not match. This suggests that somewhere in the family history, an extramarital affair existed and a child was born on Beethoven's paternal side. While this is an interesting historical finding, I am wondering if that this may infringe the privacy of Ludwig van Beethoven.

