2022年12月2日 星期五

Two Russians, one Ukrainian sentenced to life in prison for shooting down Malaysian plane

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2022.11.18 Fri posted at 06:30 JST

 (CNN) オランダの裁判所は17日、乗客乗員298人全員が死亡したマレーシア航空17便の撃墜事件に関与したとして殺人罪に問われたロシア人2人とウクライナ人の分離主義者1人に終身刑を言い渡した。









(CNN) A Dutch court had sentenced two Russians and a Ukrainian separatist to life for murder in connection with the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 which killed all 298 people on board.

The court ruled on former FSB Colonel Igor Girkin, former Russian General Staff Intelligence Service (GRU) officer Sergei Dubinsky, and Ukrainian separatist leader Leonid Kharchenko and decided that "the most severe prison sentence possible is appropriate."

Presiding Judge Steenhuis said "The consequences [of the defendants' actions] are so severe and the defendants' behavior so abhorrent that a mere time-limited sentence will not suffice".

All defendants refused to participate in the trial and were tried in absentia, so it was highly unlikely that they would serve the sentences handed down.

Former Russian special forces officer Oleg Pulatov, a Russian citizen who was indicted along with the three defendants, was acquitted.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down in 2014 while flying over eastern Ukraine, the epicenter of fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces.

The court said a Russian Buk missile was used to shoot down the plane, and that Russia was in control of the separatists at the time of the attack. The court ruled that the missile launch was intentional because launching a Buk missile involved a complex process. However, it was highly likely that the operators thought they were targeting military aircraft rather than passenger planes.

Judge Steenhuis said those who operated the Buk missile knew the missile's destructive power and that the result of the attack was "definite" - the downing of the plane and the death of all on board.

So, the case about Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 being shot down in 2014 while flying over eastern Ukraine has come to a close for the moment. I am interested in knowing how Russia will reaction to this court decision.

