2021年4月7日 星期三

Research paper - Corona reinfection is rare, but frequently occurs in those over 65 years old

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

コロナ再感染はまれも、65歳以上に多発 研究論文

2021.03.18 Thu posted at 16:55 JST

 (CNN) 英医学誌「ランセット」は17日、新型コロナウイルスの再感染の発生は比較的まれなものの、65歳以上の人間でより多く見られるとの研究論文を掲載した。







(CNN) The British medical journal "Lancet" published a research paper on the 17th saying that re-infection of the new coronavirus would be relatively rare, but more common in humans aged 65 and over.

According to researchers at the Danish Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention in Scandinavia, most people who had experienced the infection showed signs of avoiding reinfection for about half a year; but if looking at the age group of that who have been re-infected, people aged 65 and over were conspicuous.

In this study, the reinfection rate was investigated by comparing the data of the 4 million people during the arrival of the second wave of the new corona from September to December 31 last year, and during the first wave in the March-May period of the same year. As a result, among the 11,068 people who tested positive during the first wave, only 72 were found to be infected for the second time in the second wave.

However, the ratio that the elderly could prevent reinfection was about 47%, which was a big difference from about 80% among the young. This coming to light of this disparity was not a completely unexpected result, as human immune capacity could weaken with age.

According to other studies different from this one, the reinfection rate was less than 1%; and once infected, its immune ability might be maintained for 5 to 6 months.

Researchers at the Danish Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention reiterated the need for vaccination for everyone. It emphasized that it was important especially for older people who were more likely to have more serious symptoms of the new corona.

              So, as human immune capacity weakens with age, older people are more likely to have more serious symptoms to Covid-19. It is interesting to note that the immune ability may be maintained for 5 to 6 months only. If this is the case, Covid-19 vaccination would be a repeating and regular event for many years to come in all the countries.

