2020年9月25日 星期五

Which type you are? Cat owners are classified into 5 types - English research

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

あなたはどのタイプ? 猫の飼い主を5種類に分類 英研究

2020.09.09 Wed posted at 16:50 JST

 (CNN) 猫の飼い主は「良心的な世話人」や「寛容な保護者」など、5種類の分類のいずれかに当てはまる――。英エクセター大学の研究チームが飼い猫と野生生物とのかかわりに関する研究の一環として、そんな分類を打ち出した。
















(CNN) Cat owners fell into one of five categories, including "conscientious caretakers" and "tolerant guardians." A research team at the University of Exeter in the UK had come up with such a classification as part of a study on the relationship between domestic cats and wildlife.

Cats were categorized by their prey-catching and wandering habits, how well their owners managed them, and the affects of how they interacted with their surroundings.

Some owners respected the wild habits of cats and keep them free, while others preferred to keep them indoors within their sight.

The research team's aim was to find out ways for owners to manage cats while reducing the wildlife killed by cats. The number of domestic cats in the UK was estimated to be more than 10 million. However, free-range cats could pose a danger to the cat itself and to small animals.

Sarah Crowley of the University of Exeter explained that, "In general it is regarded as a dispute between cat owners and advocates of cats, with those who advocate nature conservation, especially those who advocate for bird conservation."

In this study, based on a survey of more than 50 cat owners, the behaviors of the owners were classified into five types.

Its purpose was to seek compromises by incorporating the owner's perspective, and to determine the best action for sustainable management of cat behavior.

According to the research team, cat owners could be classified into the following five types based on their thinking.

Protector with over-worrying tendency: Emphasized on cat safety

Guardian of freedom: Prioritized the independence of cats and opposed to behavioral restrictions

Tolerant guardian: Thinking it's important to let a cat go out, but did not like prey-catching

Conscientious caretaker: Felt some responsibility for managing the behavior of domestic cats regarding catching preys

Laissez-faire: Little aware of problems with cats wandering around and catching preys

Free-range cats not only endangered small birds and mice, but they also risked traffic accidents and illness, Crowley said.

The research team pointed out that just to understand what owner belonged to which of the five categories could be useful by itself. Crowley said " In the wake of this survey, we want people to think about which type they themselves are, and discuss with friends and family about the responsibilities of themselves, and as cat owners towards the wildlife".

              I am a cat lover. I would regard myself as a "Guardian of freedom": someone who prioritizes the independence of cats and opposes behavioral restrictions.

