2020年9月5日 星期六

Former doctor of Osaka University Hospital - Dissertation data manipulation and falsification

 Recently NHK News On-line reported the following:

元大阪大学附属病院医師 論文データの改ざんやねつ造

2020818 2327










Osaka University and others had announced that there was a fraud on data tampering and fabrication regarding the research data on the treatment of lung cancer etc. published by a doctor who was belong to them in the past. Since the paper was used as a reference for clinical studies in administering drugs to patients, Osaka University and others apologized to the participating patients.

This was made clear by an interview between Osaka University and the National Center for Cardiovascular Disease Research.

Research misconduct was found done by Dr. Takashi Nojiri who was previously belong to the Osaka University Hospital as the director of the National Cardiovascular Research Center relating to five papers announced from 2013 to 2016 about drugs etc. that suppressed inflammation during lung cancer surgery.

After it was pointed out that the posted data was suspected to be fraudulent, the university etc. investigated it and found that there were multiple falsifications and tampering, such as creating graphs using figures not in the clinical records.

In response to the investigation, the doctor explained that he did not commit fraud by mistake.

It was said that the doctor had already retired, but universities and others recommended that the thesis be withdrawn, and the disciplinary dismissal was taken.

One of these papers was used as a reference during a clinical study conducted by Osaka University Hospital on 160 patients, but no health hazard had been reported so far. The hospital had apologized in writing to the patients who were involved.

Osaka University and the National Center for Cardiovascular Disease Research said, "We regret that such a situation has occurred. We will try hard to raise awareness and prevent recurrence."

              So, it is nice to note that Osaka University and the National Center for Cardiovascular Disease Research have the courage to admit the error occurred in their organizations.

