2020年9月7日 星期一

Ministry of Justice by mistake discarded documents from 902 people - applications for naturalization to Japan etc.

 Recently NHK News On-line reported the following:

法務省 日本への帰化申請書類など902人分を誤って廃棄

2020821 2033






The Ministry of Justice announced that there were omissions when they performed the digitization of documents during acquisition of Japanese nationality by foreigners, and 902 documents were accidentally discarded without digitization.

According to the Ministry of Justice, documents such as application forms and approval documents regarding foreigners acquiring Japanese nationality were outsourced to a contractor to save them electronically; but in June when the Legal Bureau tried to refer to past records, it was pointed out that there was a leak in the processing of digitizing documents.

After that, as a result of an investigation by the Ministry of Justice, it was found that between 1992 and 2013, when the application procedures were being dealt with, a total of 902 documents were discarded without being digitized.

The Ministry of Justice said that if there was a copy of the discarded documents at the Legal Affairs Bureau etc. where the application was received, it would be digitized and saved; and supposed that “this is very regrettable, and we will thoroughly prevent recurrence through proper document management."

              So, I hope the 902 discarded applications will be followed up accordingly.

