2020年9月9日 星期三

US : Alaska salmon shrinks in body size – impact of climate change and feeding competition

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2020.08.23 Sun posted at 16:52 JST

(CNN) 米アラスカ州産のサケが気候変動と数が増えているサケの間の競争激化などが原因で体が小さくなり続けているとの新たな研究報告書がこのほど公表された。









(CNN) A newly published research report disclosed that the salmon from Alaska of the United States continued to shrink in body size because of climate change and an increase in the number of salmon intensified competition among them.

Based on what was gathered by researchers from the professors of the University of California, Santa Cruz, it seemed that the main reason for the size reduction of salmon was that they spent less time in the Pacific.

Researchers analyzed data collected by the Alaska Department of Fish and Hunting from 1957 to 2018. The number of targeted salmon exceeded 12.5 million.

As a result, they found a firm and consistent tendency to show that salmon returning to the river were younger than they were in the past. It also suggested that the ocean was becoming a dangerous place for salmon to inhabit. They also explained that climate change had led to changes in the basic productivity of the ocean.

Four types of salmon were surveyed, including King salmon and Coho salmon. Alaska residents were aware that the body of these four species had become smaller.

The professor who was responsible for preparing this report had pointed out that, in the ocean, an increase in Salmonidae, mainly the pink salmon was linked to the smaller body of salmon that returned to Alaska.

The high population in the northern Pacific Ocean was at a record level. In an analysis one reason for that was due to hatching activities in Alaska and Asia. As a result, it explained that there was a battle for feeding among the salmon.

Experts at the University of Alaska who took part in the report said the next challenge to researchers who wanted to tackle the matter was to analyze the changes that were taking place in the Pacific itself.

              So, any changes in the condition of an ocean could affect the living things in that area. Our living environment is changing quickly due to the global warming.

