2020年2月8日 星期六

Five billion years old material found in meteorites: the oldest solid matter found on Earth

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
2020.01.14 Tue posted at 12:05 JST

(CNN) 50年前にオーストラリアに落下した隕石(いんせき)を調べていた米国の研究チームが、隕石の中から50億年~70億年前の宇宙で形成された物質を発見したと発表した。地球上で見つかった固体の中では最古の物質になるとしている。









  (CNN) -- A U.S. research team that looked into meteorites fell to Australia 50 years ago announced that they had discovered material formed in space between 5 and 7 billion years ago from these meteorites. It was said to be the oldest substance found on earth.

The sun was born 4.6 billion years ago, and it was estimated that the substance found this time had existed before the sun and the solar system. These substances were called pre-solar particles.

Meteorites happened to serve as time capsules to trap substances such as stardust.  Only 5% of meteorites that fell on Earth contain pre-solar particles.

The findings were published by the Field Museum in Chicago in a bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences on the 13th.

The curator of the museum, Philippe Heck, described the material as telling "a story on how the stars in the galaxy were formed."

The meteorites were collected in 1969, and the team succeeded in separating pre-solar particles from the meteorites. The size of the particles was as small as about 8 micrometers, most of which were 4.6 to 4.9 billion years old, and some were more than 5.5 billion years old.

"Our hypothesis is that most of these 4.6 billion to 4.9 billion years ago pre-solar particles were formed at a time when the birth of a star flourished. Before the solar system was born, there were times when more stars were born than usual. '' (Heck)

Experts said that stars in the galaxy formed at regular intervals, and that there were periods of more formation and less formation.  However, Heck said “the samples from meteorites have provided direct evidence that there was a time when stars were flourishing 7 billion years ago in our galaxy."

          Thanks to the new researching technologies, the meteorites collected some 50 years ago now can tell us a story about our galaxy.

