2014年7月24日 星期四


A few weeks ago the Asahi News on-line reported the following:

中国「シェールガスの商業開発に成功」 国営ラジオ

In Chongqing on the 19th (May) the Chinese National Central People’s Radio said that for the first time commercial development of shale gas was successful in China. In China while the demand for natural gas was skyrocketing, its shale gas deposit was the largest in the world. If production could get off the ground, international energy supply and demand may change a lot.

According to the People’s Radio, in Chongqing where digging aiming at commercialization was advancing, large-scale production from the shale gas field was successful. The person in charge of the State’s oil marketing organization introduced it by saying that “although it seemed that it is too early for China due to lacking in technology, yet it manages to reach mass production". With the daily capacity set at 2,700,000 cubic meters, it was supposed that the demand of 5 million households in Chongqing could be fulfilled.

Shale gas was a natural gas contained in the shale layer deep underground. The technology to produce it at a low cost had been established in the North America and production was in full swing. The Chinese government was also putting a lot of effort into its development. In 2015 it aimed at producing 6,500 million cubic meters, providing for about 3% of the annual demand. If this report was true, it meant that about 1/6 of the target was attained.

In China, as coal was the main energy source until now it was causing serious air pollution, to replace it with natural gas was progressing. As natural gas demand was expected to increase, there was a pressing need for a big increase in both domestic supply and in importing.

It is good news that China can produce shale gas to replace coal which is causing serious air pollution.

