2014年5月9日 星期五

中国: 因馬航事件3萬中國民航機駕駛員可能受監視等

A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20140408 1845

On the 8th (April) a human rights organization in Hong Kong "The Information Center for the Human Rights Democratic Movement in China" reported that China’s Xi Jinping Administration’s newly inaugurated "The Central National Security Council" which was used as a commanding post to devise measures on security had embarked on some domestic background checks and surveillance on about 30,000 commercial aircraft pilots. Regarding the trouble of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that traveled to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur had cut off information, its captain and copilot had become candidates for investigation and supposedly the procedures were initiated.

According to the Center, if a civil aircraft flying at the outskirts of Beijing changed course and flew to Chungnanhai where the Communist Party Guidance Department was located, that would require less than 10 minutes. The Xi Jinping Administration was highly apprehensive about the possibility of a rushing in before a shooting-down command could be given. It was said that a professional team of about 400 people selected from the army etc. had already begun tapping some pilots' telephones etc.

For security reasons, it is normal for the Chinese Communist Party to take all kinds of precautions.

