2014年5月10日 星期六


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
くる病:乳幼児に増える 母乳、日光浴不足、食事が要因
毎日新聞 20140502日 1100分(最終更新 0502日 1304分)

   "Rickets" in infants that happened at a time of malnutrition recently had increased. It was said that the popularity in measures against ultraviolet rays, the promotion of maternal feeding etc. were complexly related. A medical specialist made an appeal by saying that "many rickets happened in children who are fed by mother’s milk, I hope special attention could be paid to that". 

   The calcium concentration in blood dropped because vitamin D ran short seriously, and rickets caused bones to modify and fail to thrive etc. After one year old when walking began, the load applied to the legs could easily turn the feet into bowleg.

   According to Sachiko Kitanaka the Associate Professor (Pediatrics) of the University of Tokyo graduate school, although it was hardly seen in the 1990s, rickets began to be conspicuous in medical society reports from around 2000 and became less rare in these days in clinical practices. In the past ten years in the University of Tokyo hospital, or in consultation in other institutions the number of cases diagnosed went up to about 100.

   The three major factors that had led to an increase in infants’ lacking in vitamin D were: popularity in maternal feeding shortage in sun-bath unbalanced diet.  Although mother's milk had many advantages -- an immunity substance important for a baby was contained -- there was very little vitamin D compared with the synthetic milk. Moreover, vitamin D was made in the body when exposed to sun light, but this was  affected by the popularity in measures against ultraviolet rays with a view to prevent skin cancer or stain and wrinkles.

   With overlapping factors, such as on grounds of food allergy to restrict the eating of eggs and fish etc. which contained much vitamin D, all would make it easy for the symptom to show up.

   Associate Professor Kitanaka said "globally vitamin D deficiency is increasing, especially in children who are raised on mother's milk, the preventive measures would be have more sunbathe to such an extent that one does not get tanned, and to have fish in the baby food".

   Last year the Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology had prepared a guide on diagnosis. Although diagnoses could be made by measuring the vitamin D (25OHD) concentration in blood, and the X ray picture of knee joints etc., whether the measuring of 25OHD was a reliable method had become an issue.

It is surprising to note that maternal feedings could be related to "Rickets" in infants

2 則留言:

  1. You got a computer to use on the road?


  2. Yes, a small lap-top. But getting Wi-Fi connection is difficult.
