2012年11月2日 星期五


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following: 




The unpublished work of the cartoonist Mr. Osamu Tezuka (1928 - 1989) drew at the late teens immediately after the end of the WWII was found on the 2nd. The classmate of his junior high school days who inherited it from Mr. Tezuka had kept it for over 60 years. The Tezuka production which was an antiquarian bookshop in Tokyo that had obtained it and would exhibit it this spring had confirmed it was Mr. Tezuka's work.
The work was full of freedom feeling, as the war had ended and there was freedom that comics could be drawn freely. Satire was also used on the topic of social problems seen in those days, such as the black market and food shortage. The Tezuka Pro supposed that "even its existence was not known; it may have drawn just before his debut; they are very precious data in the comic history".

It is nice to hear that Mr. Tesuka’s earlier work is discovered. It will enrich our understanding of this cartoonist.

