2011年7月9日 星期六


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:
On the 4th, the South Korea Department of Defense announced that, with regards to the civilian, in October a pay-shooting-service would be open up to let them experience the use of M16 automatic rifle. It assumed that "It offers a chance to people to think about their security, and the solidarity between the army and the private is strengthened".

In Seoul a location designated as the reserve army training ground was opened. M16 would be used, shooting 10-20 rounds of ball cartridge at a distance of 25 meters. The price of one ball cartridge would be 352 won (about 27 yen). Adding insurance as much as 1400 won etc., about 20,000 won in total would have to be paid. Survival training could also be experienced.
In the discussion now taking place, the age requirement of 16 years old or more was assumed. The Department of Defense explained that 16 years old had been assumed after taking into account the ability to make judgement, although even above 14 years old was acceptable in shooting related laws.

I think if this new arrangnment could be extended to tourists, definitely it would help the tourism in South Korea.

