2010年11月12日 星期五


Recently the NHK news reported the following:

Foreign Minister Maehara noted Russia President Medvedev's visit to Kunashirito that located in the northern territories, called in Russia ambassador Bearui to the Foreign Ministry to protect because northern territories was Japanese territory traditionally, and regarded the visit as extremely regrettable as it damaged the public sentiment of our country.

Foreign Minister Maehara described President Medvedev's Kunashirito visit as this "If the top leader in Russia visited northern four islands although it was declared that there is anxiety that it would damage Japanese-Russia relations, that casts doubt on what is the real intention of Russian government when it declared valuing the relationship development with Japan". On top of that Foreign Minister Maehara described and protested that 「Northern territories were traditionally Japanese territories, and it is contradictory to a standpoint of Japan in principle. It is a matter that damages the public sentiment of our country, and it is extremely regrettable. Japanese Government cannot help taking appropriate response based on president's speech and behavior made during the visiting」. After explaining the standpoint of Russia on northern territories in principle, ambassador Bearui said that 「The presidential visit is purely internal affairs, and doesn't aim at outsiders. Deterioration of Japanese-Russian relations would not profit both parties」 and requested calm response from Japan. After this, ambassador Bearui described to reporters in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that "It is a presidential pick on which region of Russia that the Russia president would visit".

Although the visit by Russia president to the Northern Territories had caused some diplomatic tension between Russia and Japan, the dispute had died down in the past few days.

