2025年3月26日 星期三

Taiwan's TSMC to invest 15 trillion yen in the US, President Trump announces

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

台湾TSMC、米国で15兆円投資へ トランプ大統領発表

2025.03.04 Tue posted at 17:47 JST

  ニューヨーク(CNN) 台湾の半導体大手、台湾積体電路製造(TSMC)が、米国での生産事業に少なくとも1000億ドル(約15兆円)を投資するとの見通しが明らかになった。







Taiwan's TSMC to invest 15 trillion yen in the US, President Trump announces

New York (CNN) Taiwanese semiconductor giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) was set to invest at least $100 billion (approximately 15 trillion yen) in its manufacturing operations in the US.

US President Trump announced this at the White House on the 3rd, along with CEO Wei Zhejia (魏哲家), Secretary of Commerce Lutnick, and Sachs, who oversees artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency policies.

The funds would be used to build three new cutting-edge factories, in addition to one TSMC semiconductor manufacturing plant already in operation and two under construction in Arizona, tens of thousands of jobs were expected to be created.

       So, TSMC will be investing at least $100 billion in its manufacturing operations in the US. I am wondering what are the reasons that push TSMC to make such a decision. Will US tariffs be a factor? Or the future security of Taiwan?

2025年3月25日 星期二


 Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

Pandas eat bamboo instead of going with their gut. Scientists explain why

Chris Lau, CNN

Thu, February 27, 2025 at 11:13 p.m. PST·2 min read

Pandas famously love bamboo but the fluffy mammals actually have digestive systems typical of animals that eat a meat-based diet - and Chinese scientists now think they know why.

They say gorging on the tall, fast-growing plant can influence the covert carnivores’ behavior and regulate the bears’ sense of smell and taste.

Native to southwest China, pandas spend up to 16 hours a day devouring bamboo, absorbing a genetic material called microRNA (miRNA) into their bloodstream, according to research published Friday in the journal Frontiers.

The molecule can influence how genetic information is transferred across pandas’ bodies, shaping the way they act, said the research led by China West Normal University in Sichuan province.

MiRNA plays “a role in regulating the gene expression of giant pandas,” said Dr Li Feng, a senior author from the university, in a statement.

Li and his colleagues found that the molecule can shape physiological processes in pandas’ bodies, including growth, biological rhythms, behavior and immune responses.

“MiRNA in bamboo is also involved in the regulation of smell, taste, and dopamine pathways of giant pandas, all of which are related to their feeding habits,” he said.

The researchers believe that by the time a baby panda grows up, it will develop the ability to pick the freshest and most nutritious bamboo, which enables them to adapt to a plant-based diet.

The study was based on blood samples from six adult pandas and a juvenile. Among those samples, scientists detected 57 traces of miRNAs likely derived from bamboo.

They hope the discovery can help scientists further understand the effect of plant miRNA on animals, potentially paving the way for the treatment or prevention of diseases, according to the study.

Though the panda’s diet consists almost entirely of bamboo leaves, stems and shoots, about 1% of their food comes from other plants - and even meat such as small rodents, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

About 1,800 pandas live in the wild, roaming mountain ranges in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu, WWF says.

Habitat loss and fragmentation pose the biggest threats to wild pandas, while their lukewarm desire to reproduce has made preserving them a challenge. When mothers finally give birth, newborn pandas are extremely fragile.

China has drastically scaled up efforts to save the bears over the past decades, boosting the number of panda reserves from 12 to 67.



眾所周知,大貓熊喜愛吃竹子,但這種毛茸茸的哺乳動物實際上擁有典型的肉食動物的消化系統 - 中國科學家現在認為他們知道了其中的原因。


根據週五發表在《前沿》雜誌上的一項研究顯示,大貓熊原產於中國西南部,每天要花 16 個小時進食竹子,將一種名為微小核糖核酸 (miRNA) 的遺傳物質吸收到血液中。


該大學資深作者 Li Feng 博士在聲明中表示,miRNA「在調節大熊貓基因表現方面發揮作用」。

Li 和他的同事發現這種分子會影響熊貓體內的生理過程,包括生長、生物節律、行為和免疫反應。



研究以六隻成年大熊貓和一隻幼年大熊貓的血液樣本為基礎。在這些樣本中,科學家檢測到了 57 種可能來自竹子的 miRNA 痕跡。

根據研究,他們希望這項發現能幫助科學家進一步了解植物 miRNA 對動物的影響,為治療或預防疾病鋪平道路。

根據世界野生動物基金會 (WWF) 介紹,雖然大貓熊的食物幾乎全部由竹葉、竹莖和竹筍組成,但其約 1% 的食物來自其他植物,甚至還有細小的囓齒動物的肉。

世界自然基金會稱,約有 1,800 隻大熊貓生活在野生環境中,漫遊於中國四川、陝西和甘肅省的山脈中。


過去幾十年來,中國大大提升了拯救熊貓的力度,大熊貓保護區的數量從 12 隻增加到 67 隻。

So, a study based on blood samples from pandas has detected 57 traces of miRNAs likely derived from bamboo. They hope the discovery can help scientists further understand the effect of plant miRNA on animals, potentially paving the way for the treatment or prevention of diseases.

2025年3月24日 星期一


 Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

A little-known Chinese company made a drug that beat the world’s biggest-selling medicine (2/2)

Wayne Chang, Will Ripley and Eric Cheung, CNN

Tue, February 25, 2025 at 6:59 p.m. PST·5 min read


According to a research note published by HSBC Qianhai Securities earlier this month, China is becoming an innovation hub for the entire industry, with the number of licensing deals jumping from just 46 in 2017 to more than 200 last year. The total deal amount was just $4 billion in 2017, and rose to $57 billion last year, it said.

And figures from market intelligence firm Mergermarket indicated that large pharmaceutical transactions worth $50 million or more involving Chinese firms grew nearly 30% in 2024 compared to the previous year.

Cui Cui, managing director of healthcare research for Jefferies, said Chinese biotech firms’ research capabilities and development efficiency are catching up, thanks to factors such as strong government support, foreign investment and a wealth of domestic talent.

“In the past, [Chinese biotech] are perceived to be only copycats, but in the future, it might be able to compete with the global best-in-class pharmaceutical companies,” Cui told CNN.


Doubts at home

But while Akeso’s achievement is making waves overseas, debate is raging in China over the quality of domestically produced generic drugs, which have the same active ingredients as patented drugs but are much cheaper.

Distrust over the track record of domestically produced medicine runs deep in China. Such concerns spiraled into public uproar last month over the alleged questionable quality of Chinese generic drugs, which has led to an official investigation.

China’s health regulator subsequently defended the safety of the drugs, saying the probe found the quality concerns to be unsubstantiated. Several Beijing residents told CNN last week that they were not familiar with Akeso or its new drug and still preferred imported drugs.

“To be honest, I tend to choose the more expensive medicine. After all, you get what you pay for,” Gu Zhihao, a Beijing resident, told CNN.

US investors and regulators have previously questioned the quality of clinical trial data gathered in China. Liang said the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rejected drugs developed in the country in the past because the trial setup was “not rigorous enough.”

Akeso’s new drug, which is not a generic, has been approved by China’s pharmaceutical regulator for some lung cancer patients. But it is still years away from being sold in the US.

A global trial is now in the works for later this year, which could further prove its efficacy, according to Cui. If the outcome is sound, it would be further evidence of the strides China has made in developing cutting-edge drugs.




根據匯豐前海證券本月稍早發布的一份研究報告,中國正在成為這整個產業的創新中心,其授權交易數量從 2017 年的 46 項躍升至去年的 200 多項。該公司表示,2017年交易總額僅40億美元,去年則升至570億美元。

市場情報公司 Mergermarket 的數據顯示,2024 年涉及中國企業 5,000 萬美元或以上的大型醫藥交易比上一年增長了近 30%

Jefferies的醫療保健研究董事總經理 Cui Cui表示,得益於政府的大力支持、外國投資和豐富的國內人才等因素,中國生物科技公司的研發能力和開發效率正在迎頭趕上。

Cui告訴 CNN過去,人們認為(中國生物科技)只是模仿者,但未來它或許能夠與全球一流的製藥公司競爭。





中國衛生監管機構隨後為這些藥品的安全性進行辯護,表示調查發現的品質問題沒有根據。上週,幾名北京居民告訴 CNN,他們不熟悉康方生物及其新藥,仍然更喜歡進口藥。

北京居民 Gu Zhihao 告訴 CNN: 說實話,我傾向於選擇更昂貴的藥物。畢竟,一分錢一分貨」

美國投資者和監管機構先前曾對中國收集的臨床試驗數據的品質提出質疑。Rebecca Liang 說,美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)過去曾拒絕該國研發的藥物,因為試驗設置「不夠嚴格」。



       So, Akeso has shaken up the biotech sector with its new lung cancer drug known as Ivonescimab.In a test conducted in China, the performance of this new drug was found more effective when compared with Keytruda, according to clinical data released at the World Conference on Lung Cancer. I am interested in knowing the result of a global trial on this medicine. 

2025年3月23日 星期日


 Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

A little-known Chinese company made a drug that beat the world’s biggest-selling medicine (1/2)

Wayne Chang, Will Ripley and Eric Cheung, CNN

Tue, February 25, 2025 at 6:59 p.m. PST·5 min read

China’s DeepSeek shocked the world by delivering unexpected innovation at an unbelievable price. But this disruptive trend isn’t confined to Big Tech: it has been quietly happening in the pharmaceutical sector.

In September, Akeso, a little-known Chinese biotech company founded nearly a decade ago shook up the biotech sector with its new lung cancer drug.

Ivonescimab, the new drug, was found in a trial conducted in China to have bested Keytruda, the blockbuster medication developed by Merck that has raked in more than $130 billion in sales for the American behemoth that has dominated cancer treatment.

Patients treated with Akeso’s new drug went 11.1 months before their tumors began to grow again, compared with 5.8 months for Keytruda, according to clinical data released at the World Conference on Lung Cancer, a top medical forum.

Over the course of several days in early September, shares in California-based Summit Therapeutics, Akeso’s US partner, more than doubled to a record high, according to data from Refinitiv. The firm had licensed the right to commercialize the new drug in North America and Europe.

At the time, though experts said it was a watershed moment for Chinese pharmaceutical companies, it was little noticed outside the industry. All that changed following DeepSeek’s exploits earlier this year, which put international attention on pockets of innovation in China — with growing global implications.

“I do believe the Chinese biotech industry will play an important role globally. And we [will] participate more and more,” Michelle Xia, the CEO of Akeso, said in an interview last month with BiotechTV.

In a statement sent to CNN, Akeso said it was an “incredibly exciting moment” to see its drug beat Keytruda, the world’s best-selling medication.

“Akeso’s innovation is driven by a deep understanding of disease biology and protein engineering, while benefitting from the fast development time and the abundance of top-tier talent in China,” it said.


The rise of Chinese biotech

Until the 1980s, when China opened up its economy, most of its pharmaceutical firms were state-owned. For most of the past 40 years, Chinese biotech companies were mainly replicating existing medications, known as “me-too” drugs.

But over the past 10 years, they’ve begun to innovate with more advanced drugs that can compete directly with the Western offerings. And they’ve signed billions of dollars in licensing deals with Western partners to get their products to the rest of the world.

AstraZeneca signed a $1.92 billion deal with China’s CSPC Pharmaceutical Group last year to develop cardiovascular medication, and Merck has a $2 billion agreement with China’s Hansoh Pharmaceutical over an experimental weight loss pill.

“People were aware that the biotech industry was growing very fast in China, but very few saw it as a real threat to the top US innovators,” said Rebecca Liang, a pharmaceuticals analyst at AB Bernstein. “Now the threat is getting real, because you do start to see these next generation drugs that are sort of a leapfrog.”

(to be continued)



中國的 DeepSeek 以令人難以置信的價格實現了意想不到的創新,震驚了世界。但這種顛覆性趨勢並不限於大型科技公司:它也已在製藥業悄悄發生。

9 月,康方生物 - 一家成立於近十年、名不見經傳的中國生物科技公司 - 憑藉其新型肺癌藥物震撼了生物科技界。

在中國進行的一項試驗發現,新藥 Ivonescimab 的效果優於Merck公司開發的暢銷藥物 Keytruda,後者為主導癌症治療市場的美國巨頭帶來了超過 1,300 億美元的銷售額。

根據在頂級醫學論壇世界肺癌大會上發布的臨床數據,使用康方新藥治療的患者的腫瘤在 11.1 個月後才開始再次生長,而使用 Keytruda 治療的患者的腫瘤在 5.8 個月後就開始再次生長。

根據 Refinitiv 的數據,9 月初的幾天內,康方生物美國合作夥伴加州 Summit Therapeutics 的股價上漲了一倍多,創下歷史新高。該公司已獲得在北美和歐洲銷售該新藥的權利。

當時,儘管專家表示,這是中國製藥公司的分水嶺,但業內外卻很少注意到。今年早些時候,DeepSeek 的探索讓一切都改變了,中國的其中一些團體的創新引起了國際社會的關注,其全球影響力也越來越大。

康方生物執行長Michelle Xia上個月在接受 BiotechTV 採訪時表示: 「我確實相信中國生物科技業將在全球發揮重要作用。而且我們將會有更多參與」。

康方生物在發給 CNN 的聲明中表示,看到自己的藥物擊敗全球最暢銷藥物 Keytruda,是一個「無比令人興奮的時刻」。




直到1980年代中國實施經濟開放前,大多數製藥公司都是國營企業。在過去 40 年的大部分時間裡,中國生物科技公司主要在複製現有藥物,即所謂的「仿製藥」。


去年,AstraZeneca 與中國石藥集團簽署了一項價 19.2 億美元的協議,開發心血管藥物,而Merck則與中國豪森藥業簽署了一項價 20 億美元的協議,共同開發一種實驗性減肥藥。

AB Bernstein 的製藥業分析師 Rebecca Liang 表示:人們意識到中國生物技術產業發展非常迅速,但很少有人認為這對美國頂尖創新者構成了真正的威脅” ; “現在威脅已經變得真實,因為你確實開始看到這些下一代藥物具有蛙跳式的發展。



1.Akeso, Inc. (康方生物), established in 2012, is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the research, development, manufacturing and commercialization of new innovative antibody drugs that are affordable to patients worldwide. (https://www.akesobio.com/en/about-us/corporate-profile/)

2. A me-too drug (類似藥物)as defined as a pharmacologically active compound that is structurally related to a first-in-class compound, regarded as belonging to the same therapeutic class as the original compound, and used for the same therapeutic purposes, but which may differ in some respects, such as specificity of pharmacological action, adverse reactions profile, or drug-drug interactions. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32358800/#:~:text=We%20define%)

3. A "me-too drug" is a medication that is similar to a pre-existing drug, often with minor modifications, and acts on the same target as the first drug of its kind. This differs from a generic drug (仿製藥), which is a copy of a brand-name drug with the same active ingredients, dosage, and intended use.

2025年3月22日 星期六

香港首富因其公司參與的巴拿馬運河港口交易而陷入困境 (2/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

Hong Kong's richest man is in hot water over his company's Panama Canal ports deal (2/2)


Wed, March 19, 2025 at 9:26 p.m. PDT 6 min read


Ports carry geopolitical value

Some unconfirmed reports have suggested Chinese leaders were angry not to have been consulted in advance about the deal.

George Chen, managing director for Hong Kong at The Asia Group, a Washington-headquartered business and policy consulting firm, said Beijing may have been disappointed because it had almost no time to devise a response in advance.

Ports are valuable strategic assets and transactions involving them are always sensitive, said Wilson Chan, co-founder of the Pagoda Institute, a think tank focusing on public policy and the global political economy.

It is unclear whether pressure from Beijing will affect the deal, which has to be approved by Panama's government. China’s Foreign Ministry deflected a question about whether authorities are investigating the deal, saying reporters should ask other authorities.

Cancelling the deal would be risky, Chan said.

“Strictly speaking, you just let Trump take credit for it, then you later say ‘Sorry, I’m canceling the deal.’ You can imagine what Trump’s reaction would be,” he said, adding that would also affect how the outside world views Hong Kong businesses.

CK Hutchison has not commented on the controversy.

The company reported its 2024 financial results on Thursday, but did not hold a news conference. Victor Li did not mention the deal in his chairman’s statement but said the operating environment for the group’s business is expected to be volatile and unpredictable. He said he anticipated potential headwinds for the company’s ports and related services in early 2025 as shipping lines transition into their new alliances and ongoing geopolitical risk impacts global trade.

Longer term implications

 The first Trump administration sanctioned Chinese and Hong Kong officials for undermining the autonomy of the territory promised when Britain handed its colony to Beijing in 1997 under a concept dubbed “One country, two systems.” It promised the city could keep its Western-style civil liberties and economic autonomy for at least 50 years, but following the 2019 protests, Beijing has doubled-down on its political control of the city.

Li could try to placate critics who deem him insufficiently patriotic, Chan said, by using proceeds from selling the port assets for investments aligned with Beijing’s policies, particularly in developing Hong Kong and mainland port businesses.

But relations between private businesses and Beijing remain uncertain, said The Asia Group's Chen. Even though Chinese President Xi Jinping recently met with private sector business leaders in a show of support, some may wonder if they must follow the party line even if that might conflict with their business interests, he said.

If Beijing steps up pressure on Li to scrap the deal, the Trump administration could hit back with more sanctions and restrictions on Hong Kong and Chinese businesses and some individuals, he said.

The situation shows that Washington’s concerns about Hong Kong's business autonomy are valid, Chen said.

“This is bad when it comes to the defense of ‘one country, two systems,’” Chen said.


香港首富因其公司參與的巴拿馬運河港口交易而陷入困境 (2/2)




總部位於華盛頓的商業和政策諮詢公司 The Asia Group 香港董事總經理 George Chen 表示,北京方面可能感到失望,因為幾乎沒有時間提前製定應對措施。

研究公共政策和全球政治經濟的智庫 Pagoda Institute 聯合創始人 Wilson Chan 表示,港口是寶貴的戰略資產,涉及港口的交易總是很敏感。


Chan 表示,取消這筆交易將會有風險。

: 「嚴格來說,你就讓特朗普取得承功勞,然後你又說『對不起,我要取消這筆交易』。你可以想像特朗普會作何反應」,並補充說這也會影響外界如何看待香港企業。


該公司週四公佈了2024年財務業績,但並未召開記者會。李澤鉅在董事長聲明中並未提及這筆交易,但表示集團業務的經營環境預計將不穩定且難以預測。他表示,隨著航運公司向新聯盟轉型,以及持續的地緣政治風險影響全球貿易,他預計該公司的港口和相關服務將在 2025 年初面臨潛在阻力。



特朗普第一屆政府對中國和香港官員實施了製裁,因為他們破壞了英國在 1997 年根據「一國兩制」理念將香港殖民地移交給北京時承諾的香港自治權。北京承諾香港可以保持西方式的公民自由和經濟自治至少 50 年,但在 2019 年抗議活動之後,北京加強了對香港的政治控制。


Asia Group Chen 表示,私營企業和北京之間的關係仍不確定。他說,儘管中國國家主席習近平最近會見了私人企業領袖以表示支持,但有些人可能仍懷疑他們是否必須遵循黨的路線,即使這可能與他們的商業利益相衝突。


Chen 表示,現況顯示華盛頓對香港商業自治的擔憂是合理的。

Chen 稱:這對於捍衛 一國兩制而言這是糟糕的。

              So, in the past week, Beijing's Hong Kong affairs office has posted harsh commentaries written by a Hong Kong state-backed media outlet over the tentative deal by Hutchison. That raises questions about the deal and highlights the difficulties of Hong Kong businesses in trying to balance demands from Beijing for national loyalty and their own capitalist interests. Apparently, if Beijing steps up pressure on Li to cancel the deal, the Trump administration probably would hit back with more sanctions and restrictions on Hong Kong and Chinese businesses. Let’s wait and see what will happen next.

2025年3月21日 星期五

香港首富因其公司參與的巴拿馬運河港口交易而陷入困境 (1/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

Hong Kong's richest man is in hot water over his company's Panama Canal ports deal (1/2)


Wed, March 19, 2025 at 9:26 p.m. PDT 6 min read

HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing’s business empire is in the crosshairs after CK Hutchison Holdings chose to sell its Panama Canal port assets to a consortium that includes U.S. investment firm BlackRock Inc., apparently angering Beijing.

Over the past week, Beijing's Hong Kong affairs offices have posted scathing commentaries from a local state-backed media outlet over the tentative deal by Hutchison, which is controlled by Li’s family.

That raises questions about the deal and highlights the difficulties Hong Kong businesses face as they balance demands from Beijing for national loyalty and their own capitalist interests in the once free-wheeling Asian financial hub. Here's what to know about the issue.

Hong Kong’s richest tycoon

Nicknamed “Superman,” Li is among the world’s 50 richest people, with Forbes calculating his net worth at $38 billion. Li, 96, retired from his position as chairman of CK Hutchison in 2018, succeeded by his elder son Victor. But he's still one of Hong Kong's most influential figures.

Li's rags-to-riches story paralleled the former British colony’s rise. His business empire touches almost every aspect of daily life in Hong Kong, from properties and supermarkets to telecommunications and utilities. Globally, his conglomerate owns assets including British drugstore chain Superdrug and European mobile phone network operator Three.

A Hutchison subsidiary has operated ports at both ends of the Panama Canal since 1997. That was one reason U.S. President Donald Trump has alleged Chinese interference with the critical shipping lane's operations.

Li's ties with Beijing

Li’s influence extends beyond business. He has met with top Chinese leaders and has served on the elite committee that selected Hong Kong’s leader.

Experts on ties between Beijing and Hong Kong said ruling Communist Party leaders once understood that support from the business sector was crucial for maintaining Hong Kong’s capitalist system. It has been strategically vital for mainland China’s economy, given the role their global networks and resources play in the country’s development. So, Li has had notable political influence.

But Li has faced criticism over some business decisions. When he sold off some mainland Chinese assets in 2015, an article published by a think tank affiliated with Chinese official news agency Xinhua accused him of being immoral.

During pro-democracy protests in 2019, Li was blasted by some pro-Beijing supporters for his perceived ambivalence about the unrest. Some other Hong Kong business leaders adopted a harsher stance.

Panama ports deal

CK Hutchison announced March 4 that it would sell all its shares in Hutchison Port Holdings and in Hutchison Port Group Holdings to the consortium that also includes BlackRock subsidiary Global Infrastructure Partners and Terminal Investment Limited, which is chaired by Italian shipping scion Diego Aponte, whose family reportedly has a longstanding relationship with Li’s.

If approved, the deal, valued at nearly $23 billion including $5 billion in debt, will give the consortium control over 43 ports in 23 countries, including the ports of Balboa and Cristobal, located at either end of the canal. The transaction does not include ports in Hong Kong or mainland China. CK Hutchison said the transaction was purely commercial in nature.

The deal pleased Trump but angered Beijing.

One of the Beijing-backed newspaper commentaries described the deal as a betrayal of all Chinese and said the company should think about which side to take. The other said great entrepreneurs are patriots, suggesting that businesspeople who “dance with” predatory American politicians would be doomed to infamy.

Comments on popular posts about the deal on Chinese social media platform Weibo tend to be more critical than favorable toward Li.

Chief Executive John Lee avoided direct criticism of the deal or Trump, but told reporters on Tuesday his government opposes bullying tactics in international economic and trade relations, reiterating Beijing's stance.

(to be continued)


香港首富因其公司參與的巴拿馬運河港口交易而陷入困境 (1/2)

香港(美聯社)長江和記實業選擇將其巴拿馬運河港口資產出售給包括美國投資公司貝萊德 (BlackRock Inc.) 在內的財團,此舉顯然激怒了北京方面,香港大亨李嘉誠的商業帝國因此陷入危險。




李嘉誠綽號 超人 ,是全球 50 位富豪之一,根據《福布斯》估計,他的淨資產為 380 億美元。現年 96 歲的李嘉誠於 2018 年辭去長江和記主席一職,由其長子李澤鉅接任。但他仍然是香港最具影響力的人物之一。

李嘉誠的白手起家故事與香港這個前英國殖民地的崛起歷程相似。他的商業帝國幾乎涉及香港日常生活的方方面面,從房地產、超市到電信和公用事業。在全球範圍內,他的企業集團擁有的資產包括英國連鎖藥局 Superdrug 和歐洲行動電話網路營運商 Three

和記黃埔的一家子公司自 1997 年以來一直運營巴拿馬運河兩端的港口。這就是美國總統特朗普指控中國干涉這條關鍵航道營運的原因之一。




但李嘉誠的一些商業決策也受到批評。 2015年,當他出售一些中國大陸資產時,中國官方通訊社新華社下屬一家智庫發表的一篇文章指責他不道德。




長江和記 3 4 日宣布,將把所持有的和記港口控股和記港口集團控股的全部股份出售給一個財團,該財團還包括貝萊德的子公司 Global Infrastructure Partners Terminal Investment Limited,後者的董事長是意大利航運世家 Diego Aponte,據報道 Aponte 與李嘉誠有著長期的合作關係。。

如果獲得批准,該交易價值近 230 億美元,其中包括 50 億美元的債務,將使該財團控制 23 個國家的 43 個港口,包括位於運河兩端的 Balboa 港和 Cristobal 港。此次交易不包括香港和中國大陸的港口。長江和記表示,此次交易純屬商業性質。






2025年3月20日 星期四

初創公司 PsiQuantum 表示正在製造數百萬個量子計算晶片

 Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

Startup PsiQuantum says it is making millions of quantum computing chips

Reuters - Max A. Cherney and Stephen Nellis

Wed, February 26, 2025 at 8:45 a.m. PST·2 min read

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - PsiQuantum said on Wednesday it had cracked one of the crucial challenges in quantum computing: a method to manufacture quantum chips at the volumes needed to build commercially viable machines.

Quantum technology has the potential to perform types of calculations that would stump even the most powerful artificial intelligence systems that use Nvidia chips and could unlock a host of scientific and commercial applications, including cybersecurity. The technology may help in drug discovery and in materials research.

But mass manufacturing of quantum computing chips has been a difficult problem to solve. Seeking a solution, PsiQuantum's founders decided almost 20 years ago to pursue an approach that could be made using photonics, the same semiconductor manufacturing technology widely used in the communications industry.

The company spent ensuing years working closely with chip factories to engineer its chipset, called Omega, which is now ready for production, PsiQuantum Chief Executive Jeremy O'Brien told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday.

"This isn't a breakthrough, this is actually something that has gone out of the research lab, and that is the highest level of maturity that you can achieve," O'Brien said, referring to bringing a quantum chip to mass production.

The company has partnered with GlobalFoundries to fabricate the chips at the latter's Albany, New York, factory.

PsiQuantum's method uses chip industry-standard foot-wide wafers on GlobalFoundries' 45-nanometer process and has achieved manufacturing yields that match standard semiconductors, according to PsiQuantum's Chief Scientific Officer Pete Shadboldt.

"We're right now making millions of them in GlobalFoundries," Shadboldt said.

PsiQuantum published findings related to the mass-manufacture of its Omega quantum chips in the scientific journal Nature on Wednesday.

The Palo Alto, California-based company's quantum computing technology manipulates particles of light, or photons, to perform the quantum calculations. The light-based approach has several advantages, such as deploying significantly less complex mechanisms needed to cool its quantum devices, according to O'Brien and Shadboldt.

O'Brien told Reuters in 2023 the company planned to target a commercial quantum computer within six years. He said on Tuesday in the interview the company expects to complete a facility with the ability to perform commercial applications by roughly 2027.

Last week, Microsoft showcased a quantum chip that took a different approach but said that it shows such computers are "years not decades" away. And after a significant breakthrough that Alphabet Inc's Google announced in December, the search company said earlier this month commercial applications could arrive within five years.

PsiQuantum said in 2023 it had a valuation of $3.15 billion.


創公司 PsiQuantum 表示正在製造數百萬個量子計算晶片

(路透社)- PsiQuantum 週三表示,它已經破解了具有量子計算的一個關鍵挑戰:一種以製造商業上可行機器所需的數量來生量子晶片的方法

量子技術有可能執行多種運算,這些運算甚至會難倒使用 Nvidia 晶片的最強大的人工智慧系統,並可以解除包括網路安全在內的一系列科學和商業應程式中的限制。該技術可能有助於藥物研發和材料研究。

但量子運算晶片的量產一直是個難以解決的難題。為了尋求解決方案,PsiQuantum 的創始人在近 20 年前就決定尋求一種可以使用光子學的方法,同樣半導體製造技術已在通訊業中廣泛應用。

PsiQuantum 執行長 Jeremy O'Brien 週二接受路透社採訪時表示,該公司隨後幾年與晶片工廠密切合作,設計出名為 Omega 的晶片組,目前已準備好投入生產。

O'Brien 在談到量子晶片的量產時表示:這並不是什麼突破,實際上這只是走出實驗室的研究成果,也是目前可以達到的最高成熟度。

該公司已與 GlobalFoundries 合作,在後者位於紐約州Albany的工廠去生產晶片。

PsiQuantum 首席科學官 Pete Shadboldt 表示,PsiQuantum 的方法是在 GobalFoundries 45納米的工藝上使用芯片行業標準的英尺寬晶圓,並實現了與標準半導體相匹配的製造產量。

Shadboldt 表示:我們目前在 GlobalFoundries 的生產量是數以百萬計。

PsiQuantum 週三在科學期刊《自然》上發表了有關其 Omega 量子晶片量研究結論。

這家總部位於加州的 Palo Alto公司的量子計算技術,可以操縱光粒子或光子來進行量子計算。據O'Brien Shadboldt 表示,基於光的方法有幾個優點,例如部署去冷卻量子設備所需的機制要簡單得多。

O'Brien 2023 年向路透社透露,該公司計劃六年內推出商用量子電腦。他在周二的採訪中表示,該公司預計將在 2027 年左右建成一座能夠進行商業應用的設施。

上週,微軟展示了一款採用不同方法的量子晶片,但它表明這種電腦的誕生還需要「幾年而不是幾十年」的時間。繼 Alphabet Inc 旗下的谷歌於 12 月宣布重大突破後,這搜尋公司本月稍早表示,商業應用可能會在五年內到來。

PsiQuantum 2023 年表示,其估值為 31.5 億美元。

       So, PsiQuantum says that it has cracked one of the crucial challenges in quantum computing: a method to manufacture quantum chips at the volumes needed to build commercially viable machines. I am wondering how this will impact on the manufacturing of quantum computers.