2019年5月18日 星期六

Egypt - a noble's tomb of 4000 years ago opened up, still with colorful decorations

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

A tomb at the Sachara  archaeological site (Source CNN)

4000年前の貴族の墓を公開、色鮮やかな装飾も エジプト
2019.04.19 Fri posted at 16:20 JST
(CNN) エジプト考古省はこのほど、首都カイロ南郊で発掘された古代エジプト第5王朝の貴族の墓を公開した。内部の保存状態が非常に良く、色鮮やかな彫刻なども残っている。







Jan. 20.19. Fri Posted at 16:20 JST

 (CNN) The Egyptian Archaeological Ministry had recently opened up a tomb of the fifth Egyptian royal dynasty excavated in the southern suburbs of the capital city of Cairo. The state of preservation inside was very good, and colorful sculptures etc. were left behind.

The tomb was found at the Sachara  archaeological site, where the ancient Egyptian pyramids were gathered. Anani the minister of Archaeology had recently invited foreign ambassadors to visit the tomb.

It was considered to be the grave of a man named "Koui". Its close proximity to tomb of the 5th Dynasty King Isesi pointed out that Koui was likely to have a close relationship with the king.

The entrance was a tunnel leading to the pyramid. Inside was a unique L-shape, going down a narrow passage it would lead to a sub-chamber. On the far side there was a large room where carving was done on a wall. Koui's figure sitting at a table displayed with offerings was drawn.

Despite many years, bright colors remained in some parts. Also found were Koui's mummy and fragments of a pot used to store the viscera.

Egypt was accelerating the excavation and release of archaeological sites in an effort to bring back tourists who had turned away due to a large-scale demonstration in 2011.

           I think tourists will return to visiting Egypt only when the security situation is improved

