2014年7月5日 星期六


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20140606 1238

   Salmon, Yellow-tail and Bonito – the price of familiar fresh fish had risen for all the families. Compared with a normal year, the wholesale price rose no less than 20 to 70 percent. Although the cause could vary: import decrease due to sushi popularity globally, catching was impossible due to a fall in the sea water temperature. To the fish lovers June was a hard time.

   "The price of slice salmon must be raised. All fishmongers must be having a hard time”.

   Mr. Koji Ayabe (42) in Kanda of Tokyo was having a worried look. The buy-in price of the raw salmon of choice quality was up by twenty percent to about 1,300 yen per kg compared with May last year. With a rise of about 30 yen in price, 1 piece of cut fish displaying in the shop front was sold for 300 yen.

   Also in the supermarket "Akidai" which had four stores in Tokyo, entering this year the price of fresh slice salmon had gone up by twenty percent or more. President Hiromichi Akiba (45) said "global shortage is being echoed and it seems that from now on there be no sign of falling from the present price". A housewife in her 40’s from Suginami-ku of Tokyo said that "since it is the ordinary fish which we often eat, it affects family budget".

   In May in the Tsukiji market of Tokyo, salmon, trout etc. went up by no less than 70 percent from May last year and the market price was 952 yen per kg.

   Not only the salmon that was soaring, the live Yellow-tail (culture) went up by 60 percent to become 1,134 yen. Regarding the Bonito for eating raw, while in ordinary year because the fish catch could increase in May, its price would fall compared with the first time Bonito of March – April. Yet compared with one year ago, this year the price was over twenty percent higher.

It seems that Japan has entered the inflation cycle.

