2012年6月1日 星期五


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
ロシア極東のウラジオストク近郊では、老朽化した原子力潜水艦の解体が進められ、およそ50隻分の原子炉の入った部分が密閉されて、日本海沿岸に係留されたままになっています。 海上での係留を続ければ、金属製の船体が腐食して内部の放射性物質が海に漏れ出す危険があるとして、陸上の保管施設に移動させることになり、日本は作業に必要なクレーンやドックなど、総額41億円相当の機材を支援しました。
The nuclear reactor portion of the disassembled nuclear submarines moored at the Far East coast of Russian at the Sea of Japan would be moved to the storage facilities on land for safe keeping, for that purpose, the necessary supporting equipment would be provided by Japan; on the 18th (May) the staff of both counties were present in the hand-over ceremony.

In the Vladivostok suburbs of Russian Far East, demolition of the superannuated nuclear submarines was in progress and the portions containing the nuclear reactor of about 50 boats were sealed. They would continue mooring there at the coast of the Sea of Japan.

It was noted that if mooring at sea was to continue, that there was a risk of corrosion of the metal hulls and leakage of radioactive materials into the sea. It was eventually decided to move them to the storage facility on land. Supporting equipment  amounting to 4,100 million yen in total such as a crane, dock, etc.from Japan was required for the work,

On the 18th at the hand-over ceremony held in the location designated as the site for the storage facility, Section Chief Kensuke Yoshida of the arms control and disarmament division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who came from Japan to participate, emphasised the meaning of the support and said that "This event not only prevents the diffusion of nuclear weapons, but is also important in protecting the environment of the Sea of Japan".

In connection with these superannuated atomic submarines at Russian Far East, Japan had subscribed a little more than 14 billion yen up to now for the demolition of the six atomic submarines, and for supporting the construction of an institution which would process the low level radioactive liquid waste that came out during the demolition.

The Russia side presupposed that the time needed to carry out the work related to the safe keeping of the nuclear reactor portions would be shortened sharply due to the support from Japan.

I think co-operation between countries is always better than confrontation.

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