2012年6月15日 星期五


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
In an investigation which was carried out by the city under the direction of Mayor Toru Hashimoto of Osaka that asked about the existence of tattoo among all  employees, on the 16th the city released an interim report which showed that the personnel who had the tattoo had reached a total of 110 people coming from 13 departments.
On the same day the city held the meeting on "the service-disciplines reform project team (PT)" that aimed at stemming out personnel scandal, and hammered out the decision on the internal rules on banning the tattoo, and on strengthening the service training etc.
Investigation was conducted by a register system targeting at about 33,500 people except the board of education. 110 people answered that there was tattoo on a location which could be seen by the eyes of citizens, such as the arm and the neck, the head etc. Up to 98 employees had became the target of a personnel reshuffle review.

So, the mayor of Osaka is trying to improve the image of his employees.

