2011年7月29日 星期五


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:
People in Japan who were related to the railway, regarding the report done by the accident investigation team in China, could not conceal their surprise over the "unbelievable content". Because, on the safety side of the railway system, the design of equipment was always based on the idea of "Fail safe" control when a breakdown occurred.
Sunaga Makoto the professor of Toyo University (Railroad Engineering) regarding the report expressed doubt in that 「It is not easy to believe that lightning was the cause. Basically, it is sure to become a red signal if there is a break down. He guessed that 「The railway system of China is made from a mixture of technologies from different countries. It might try to conceal the fact that the defect was caused by the computer control problem during the process of operation」.
The people related to a major railway also showed a puzzled face in that 「The Shinkansen of Japan is stopped whenever the signal breaks down because of the lightning. By what kind of mechanism did it become a green light, if it was according to the explanation of China? It is not possible to understand」. The people related to JR also said "Once the accident vehicle is buried etc, he feels that there is no proper system of investigation in China".

China should produce a trust-worthy report as soon as possible in order to settle the doubts expressed by railway experts.

