2010年11月8日 星期一


Recently the Excite News reported the following:


On November 5, 2010 the Chinese newspaper Global Time published a column entitled "Where are the differences between single women (single women of unsold stuff) in China and Japan " written by a free-lance writer living in Beijing. Although the degree of economic development was different between the two countries, the situation that more and more women chose not to marry, or to remain single by maintaining a un-married status was the same; and they occupied a rising ratio in both countries.

"Single woman" ("excessive woman" in Chinese means a single woman of unsold stuff) was not necessarily a woman who had never been popular. There were lots of intellectual city women with high academic background and high income, and their figure was not bad. But the column assumed that "Single woman in Japan is more desperate for a married life".

It seems that more and more women choose to remain single in modern cities.

