2022年1月6日 星期四

Saudi Arabia manufactures its own ballistic missile with the support of China - revealed by US intelligence and satellite images

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

サウジ、中国支援で自前の弾道ミサイル製造 米諜報と衛星画像で判明

2021.12.24 Fri posted at 10:53 JST


ワシントン(CNN) 米情報機関がサウジアラビアについて、中国の支援で自前の弾道ミサイルの製造を進めていると分析していることが分かった。この動きは中東全域に重大な影響を及ぼし、サウジの地域最大のライバル、イランの核開発の野心を抑え込もうとするバイデン政権の取り組みを複雑化させる可能性がある。












2021.12.24 Fri posted at 10:53 JST

Washington (CNN) - It ​​was understood that the US intelligence agency had analyzed Saudi Arabia’s course of producing its own ballistic missiles with the support of China. Saudi’s move could have significant implications across the Middle East and could complicate the Biden administration's effort to curb Iran's nuclear development ambitions as Saudi Arabia's largest rival.

Although Saudi Arabia was known to have purchased ballistic missiles from China in the past, it had not been produced in-house so far, according to three people familiar with the latest intelligence. Satellite images obtained by CNN also suggested that Saudi Arabia was making ballistic missiles in at least at one location.

U.S. officials such as the National Security Council (NSC) had been briefed in recent months in a briefing on sensitive information about multiple large-scale transfers of ballistic missile-related sensitive technology between China and Saudi. Two people familiar with the situation revealed this.

The Biden administration was now facing urgent questions about the potential of the development of Saudi ballistic missiles in significantly changing the power relations in the region. Western countries, Israel, and the Gulf countries had set goals to extend the terms of the Iran nuclear agreement to limit Iran's missile technology, but these efforts could be complicated.

Due to the hostile relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia, it was unlikely that Iran could respond to the suspension of ballistic missile development if Saudi Arabia embarked on its own missile production.

Also, diplomatic consideration for China could complicate the US response. The Biden administration was trying to re-engage with China on other high-priority policies such as climate, trade and the new coronavirus epidemic.

The US National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) declined to comment.

When asked if there was a recent transfer of ballistic missile-related sensitive technology to Saudi, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman said in a statement to CNN said that the two countries were "comprehensive strategic partners" and, "have maintained friendly cooperation in all areas, including military trade", and supposed that "such cooperation does not violate international law and has not spread weapons of mass destruction."

According to experts and sources, looking at the new satellite images obtained by CNN, it could be seen that Saudi was already building ballistic missiles at a previously made facility constructed with Chinese support.

According to researchers at the Middlebury Institute for International Affairs, images taken by commercial satellite imagery company Planet from October 26th to November 9th showed a burning operation at a facility near Dawadmi in Saudi.  Researchers told CNN that the photo was "the first clear evidence that the facility was operating for missile manufacturing purposes."

Weapons expert Jeffrey Lewis, a professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Affairs, said, "Iran's large-scale ballistic missile program is receiving a lot of attention, but Saudi's ballistic missile development and production hadn't been scrutinized up to this point. "

              So, China is exporting missile building technology to win friend and influence in the Middle East. It is interesting to know that China also has been a friend of Iran for quite a long time.

