2022年1月31日 星期一

Genetically engineered pig heart transplanted to a US man at his final stage of heart disease - the world's first

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

遺伝子操作したブタの心臓、心疾患末期の米男性に移植 世界初

2022.01.11 Tue posted at 12:10 JST

 (CNN) 米メリーランド大学医学部は10日、57歳の男性に遺伝子操作したブタの心臓を移植する手術を行ったと発表した。術後3日の時点で経過は良好だとしている。










(CNN) The University of Maryland School of Medicine announced on the 10th that it had operated on a 57-year-old man by transplanting a genetically engineered pig's heart. The progress was said to be good 3 days after the operation.

According to the announcement, patient Dave Bennett was in the terminal stage of heart disease and pig heart transplantation was the only option at this time. He was diagnosed as unsuitable for normal heart transplants or artificial heart pumps.

Bennett commented, "If I don't want to die, I have to get this transplant. I want to live. I know the danger, but that is my last choice”.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted urgent approval for the surgery on December 31st.

Three genes that caused rejection in the immune system in humans were removed from donating pig, and another gene was removed to prevent overgrowth of pig heart tissue. In addition, 6 types of human genes involved in immunity reception were inserted.

This life-saving effect of transplantation required a group of doctors to follow up for days to weeks, and they would continue to observe complications such as immune system problems.

In the announcement, Dr. Bartley Griffith pointed out that the human heart was in a state where there were not enough donors to accommodate the large number of patients waiting for a transplant. He said, “I hope this surgery as the world's first will be an important new option for future patients".

Transplantation of pig heart valves into humans had been done for many years.

Last October in New York a group of doctors succeeded in transplanting a genetically engineered pig kidney into a brain-dead woman.

              So, this is a breakthrough in the field of human heart transplantation by using genetically engineered pig organs. As there are not enough donors to accommodate the large number of patients waiting for a transplant, this success would offer new hope to those who cannot wait for human organs.

