2022年1月23日 星期日

Is it possible to reduce the risk of the new corona by reducing the weight? A new research report

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

減量で新型コロナのリスク低減か 新たな研究報告も

2022.01.09 Sun posted at 11:11 JST

  (CNN) 新型コロナウイルスの感染、重症化、死亡リスクは太りすぎの人ほど高いことが知られている。減量によってそのリスクが低減することを示す、新たな研究結果も報告された。


















2022.01.09 Sun posted at 11:11 JST

  (CNN) It ​​was known that the risk of infection, aggravation, and death of the new coronavirus was higher among overweight people. New finding reports had showed that a weight loss could reduce the risk.

Obesity had threatened the health of Americans for many years before the new coronavirus pandemic infection began. It ranked second only to smoking as a preventable cause of death for Americans.

That danger was further enhanced by the new Corona. There was also a research reporting that 30% of hospitalized patients with the new corona were obese.

At the Obesity Clinic in Boston the number of patients on the waiting list had increased significantly due to a pandemic, and had already exceeded 1,000. Even with a dozen professional staff the situation could not be handled.

According to a study published last August, people who were classified as obese by body mass index (BMI), which was the weight (kilograms) divided by the squared height (meters), were more infected with the new corona than those who were not, and the risk was as high as 46%. The risk of hospitalization increased by 113%, the risk of being admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) increased by 74% while the risk of death reached 48%. According to the research team, the risk increased for every 1 point of BMI.

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also found that the group with the lowest risk of aggravation was those people near the boundary between normal and overweight, and the risk increased as the BMI increased. A study that analyzed data from more than 6.9 million people in the United Kingdom reported similar results.

Would weight loss reduce the risk of the new corona?

Clinical experiments to compare whether weight loss could reduce risk were ethically almost impossible to do, but the results of a large study retroactively examined the effects of weight loss was published in the American Medical Association’s surgical specialist magazine "JAMA Surgery" recently.

The study was funded by Medtronic which handled medical equipment for weight loss surgery had followed more than 20,000 subjects for more than 6 years.

According to the data, the rate of positive test for the new corona was 9.1% in the group who underwent weight loss surgery and was 8.7% in the group who did not. The group with surgery performed were found to be less likely to be hospitalized with the new corona, or require oxygen inhalation, or had severe symptoms.

The research team pointed out that obesity was a "correctable risk factor" for the aggravation of the new corona. It came to the conclusion that not the weight loss surgery itself was important, and it was the losing weight that could significantly reduce the risk of aggravation and death.

Why obesity would be a threat

According to experts, there were several possible reasons why obesity would be a risk factor.

Accumulation of fat cells adversely affected the body's immune system and causes chronic inflammation. Blood also tended to clot, and fat accumulated under the diaphragm, making it difficult for the heart to move. The fact that fat pressed on the thorax and made breathing shallower than usual could also contribute to the aggravation.

In particular, when the amount of visceral fat accumulated in the abdomen increases, the cholesterol level tended to rise, which also caused arteriosclerosis. This is why it would be more important to lose a few centimeters waist circumference than the amount of kilograms body weight you had lost.

Experts also emphasized that overweight people who lost a few kilograms could improve their diabetes and high blood pressure, and stressed that as a measure against the new corona, weight loss would not be as effective as vaccination, but it certainly had a merit.

              So, the research team points out that obesity is a "correctable risk factor" for the aggravation of the new corona. Accumulation of fat cells can adversely affect the body's immune system and causes chronic inflammation. Blood also tends to clot, and fat accumulates under the diaphragm can make the heart difficult to move. The fact that fat presses on the thorax and thus making breathing shallower than usual can also contribute to the aggravation.

