2022年1月13日 星期四

Historical War - Mr. Putin tries to rewrite the past, and to see Russian future from that (1/2)

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


歴史戦争 - 過去の書き換え図るプーチン氏、そこから見えるロシアの未来 (1/2)

2021.12.29 Wed posted at 18:00 JST

 (CNN) ロシアのプーチン大統領が最近、ソ連崩壊後の混乱期にタクシードライバーとして副収入を得ていたことを認め、同氏の過去がより鮮明になった。












(to be continued)


(CNN) Russia's President Vladimir Putin recently admitted that he had earned extra income as a taxi driver during the turmoil after the collapse of the Soviet Union, making his past clearer.

Putin said in an excerpt from an interview conducted for a national television documentary that "Sometimes I had to drive a taxi as a side business". He said “It's unpleasant to talk about this, but unfortunately it's true”.

In fact, little could be said from this confession about the post-Soviet life of Mr. Putin, an officer of the KGB. In the economic turmoil of the 1990s, it was quite common for Russian drivers to carry passengers to add to their income. Before the ride-hailing app appeared, if one wanted to ride an unlicensed taxi, just to stop a passing car and decide on the fare.

So, Putin's "confession" that he was driving a taxi didn't say everything frankly. After all, the Kremlin (Russian Presidential Administration) was tight-lipped on the details of Mr. Putin's private life. While this digressive episode of his life rewound the tape to 1991, it was an attempt to enter into another story line to say something that included Mr. Putin's comprehensive political goals related to several decades that followed.

In an interview, Putin lamented, "We have transformed into a completely different country. Most of what we have built over 1000 years has been lost."

In recent months Putin had been focusing on rewriting one of the most important chapters in European history in recent years: to rewrite the fact that an independent sovereign state Ukraine was born next to Russia in 1991.

In June, Putin declared that Ukrainians and Russians were "one ethnic group" in a national dialogue program with the people. He further elaborated on this subject in a 5,000-word article and lamented the "artificial division between Russians and Ukrainians."

When looked into Putin's claim closely, it said that Ukraine and Russia were part of a larger "historic Russia", and the current Ukraine, which became independent in 1991, was nothing but a product of the administrative and territorial boundaries created by Soviet leadership.

Of course, Mr. Putin did not mention the many Ukrainians who supported independence.

More and more, in Putin's view, Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union became a Western tool to weaken Russia.

"Ukraine is dragged into a dangerous geopolitical game, the purpose of which is to make Ukraine a barrier separating Europe and Russia and a stepping stone against Russia." Putin had pointed out in his article that "the time has come when the idea that 'Ukraine is not Russia' is no longer an option. What is essential is a that that we never accept 'anti-Russian' thinking’. "

In other words, Mr. Putin seemed to be trying to make a historical justification in case a Ukrainian regime change is needed.

(to be continued)

