2020年8月20日 星期四

Hong Kong police arrested democratic media tycoon - suspected of violating national security law

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

香港警察、民主派メディアの大物を逮捕 国安法違反の疑い

2020.08.10 Mon posted at 17:32 JST

 香港(CNN Business) 香港警察は10日までに、香港メディア界の大物で、民主派運動の支援と中国批判で知られる黎智英(ジミー・ライ)氏について、外国勢力と「共謀」した疑いで逮捕したことを明らかにした。








2020.08.10 Mon posted at 17:32 JST

Hong Kong (CNN Business) - It was revealed that the Hong Kong police on the 10th had arrested Jimmy Lai, a Hong Kong media giant who was known for supporting the democratic movement and criticizing China, on suspicion of "collusion" with foreign powers.

The crime of "collusion with foreign powers" was newly brought in under the National Security Maintenance Law (National Security Law) introduced by the Chinese government last month. According to Simon Mak, who operated the business jointly with Lai, the date of the arrest was in the early hours on the 10th.

Police said in a statement that they had arrested seven men aged 39 to 72. Regarding the charges of arrest, they allegedly had conspired with foreign powers to endanger national security, and conspired to commit fraud.

Although the statement did not name the individual, a spokesman confirmed to CNN that Mr. Lai was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy. The statement said, "The investigation is ongoing and the possibility of additional arrests cannot be ruled out."

According to a public broadcaster the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), the arrests included several executives of Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily. The paper's Hong Kong business could be hit hard.

The Apple Daily in a video of live broadcast on Facebook in the morning of the 10th showed that the police were searching the editing room. A police spokesman told CNN to make clear that they had obtained a search warrant to enter the company's office.

Under the National Security Law, maximum life imprisonment applied to collusion with foreign powers. Mr. Lai, who had numerous connections with the US administration, had urged a stronger stance towards China. It was unknown what kind of violation Mr. Lai had made since the enactment of the law.

              So, the arrest of Mr. Lai would be a show case on how the new National Security Law will be enforced in Hong Kong.

