2014年10月3日 星期五


Yesterday the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
長崎沖で沈没船を発見 元寇船2隻目か「保存状態良い」

   On the 2nd a research team, which investigated the ruins of a Mongolian Invasion-ship of the 13th century in the offing of Takashima in Matsuura-shi of Nagasaki and was formed by the board of education and the University of Ryukyus, announced that a sunken ship was newly discovered. Although it was impossible to confirm whether any remaining items could be found, it was seen as the second Mongolian Invasion-ship, and would be unearthed next year to investigate the existence of any remaining items etc.

   The spot was at a depth of about 14 meters off the Takashima southern coast, outside of the country historic relics "Ruins of Takashima Kanzaki", and was about 1.7 km east from the point where the first Mongolian Invasion-ship was found in 2011. Acoustic exploration was carried out from on board and dives were made at nine locations that had responded. The seabed that had sticks poking out was checked. It was said that places with a response was believed to have wood and was prospected for confirmation.

   What was found was a portion near the bow, the starboard, and a part of the port side. The wood of the starboard side covering a length of about 11 meters had been checked. Many stones believed to be the ballasts used for ship balancing were scattered over the central part of the hull. It was expected that the keel (ki- ru), as the backbone of the ship's bottom, was under these stones.

   While the preservation state was good compared with the first boat, the items that remained such as the Chinese pottery that was discovered in the first boat were not found, as such it was said that it could not be concluded that it was a Mongolian Invasion-ship.

   Professor Ikeda Yoshifumi of the University of the Ryukyus who commanded the research team hoped that "while wishing it is a Mongolian Invasion-ship, I want to clarify its structure, size, and age by unearthing it. While the preservation state is good, it is unsure whether there will be a considerable amount of pottery and arms cargo etc."

It is an interesting historical discovery.

