2014年10月20日 星期一


A few weeks ago the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
水上メガソーラー、世界最大 京セラが兵庫で建設

In a reservoir in Kato-shi of Hyogo, Kyocera would build the world's largest photovoltaic power plant (a large scale solar power system) using the aquatic style. With an output of 2900 kW and an investment amount of 1 billion yen, constructions would be started in September; it would generate electricity from April next year.

High-density polyethylene mounts bought from Ciel Terre, a French company would be floated on Dongping pond Nishihira pond, and a total of 11,256 solar cells would be put on them. "Kyocera TCL Solar" which was funded by Kyocera and the Tokyo Century Leasing Corporation would do the management. The annual energy production was 3,300,000 kWh, good for 920 ordinary households. The energy would be sold to the Kansai Electric Power.

As a start, in the current fiscal year Kyocera TCL was planning on 30 projects to set up plants in ponds etc. all over the country to produce 60,000-kW in total. It was said that there were already more than 100 inquiries.

It is good news to note that Japan is investing more money in solar energy production.

