A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
新社会人:「上司との酒は仕事」6割 意識の差、鮮明
毎日新聞 2014年04月14日 17時21分
To have alcohol with a boss was a kind of work. In an opinion poll carried
out by the Takara Shuzo (Kyoto ) on new recruits in the working world, more than 60 percent answered that in
practice they regarded the drinking session with their boss as an extension of
work. On the other hand, the bosses who were guiding the junior staff thought
that their subordinates had participated because they liked the drinking
session, a difference in consciousness was clear.
Takara Shuzo said that "although it seems that a new recruit to
the working world has a strong consciousness to think that a drinking party is
obligatory, I want them to memorize little by little the pleasure in drinking
with the boss".
Respectively the poll asked 189 recruits new to the working world
and 197 employees who had been working for five years or more that "why
answer the invitation from the boss", and "what do you think why a
subordinate responds to a boss's drinking invitation". The survey was done
on the Internet through some external investigating firms.
The survey result is interesting.