2013年2月27日 星期三


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:

地方公務員の給与引き下げ 自治体に要請
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On the 28th (January) Minister Shindo of the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications notified the self-governing bodies all over the country in a document which demanded the prompt reduction of salary of local civil servants in the Heisei 25 fiscal year by 7.8% on an average, in reference to the national civil servants.

The government carried out the Cabinet decision that requested the self-governing bodies to reduce promptly the salary of the local civil servants in the new fiscal year in reference to the national civil servant who had a reduction of 7.8% on average, bearing in mind that a reduction of the local grant tax of 400 billion yen in the new-fiscal-year starting from July.

Noting that, Minister Shindo of the Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications ministry on the 28th notified the self-governing bodies all over the country in a document to demand the reduction of local civil servant's salary.
Moreover, he combined with this notice a letter to the head of self-governing bodies all over the country, and to the parliamentary chairperson saying that “he understand that up to now the self-governing bodies have advanced the measure of administrative and fiscal reforms. The request this time is that the country and rural areas need to concentrate efforts together towards a rebirth of Japan, and for that, please honor my request immediately and do it within the Heisei 25 fiscal year", and requested their understanding.

So the government employees in Japan would have a hard time soon.

