(2013年1月4日21時26分 読売新聞)
The work of Eiji Yoshikawa who was known
for his "Musashi Miyamoto" and "Three Kingdom Saga" and
other writers could now be used and perused freely starting from this year; and
one after another they came up in the network after the New Year's Day.
Because 50 years had passed after the death,
the protected period of the copyright ran out. Added to this bountiful year was
the father of folklore Kunio Yanagida who wrote “The story of Tono”, in
addition to Saisei Murou the poet. Attention had gathered among the fans who
said that "Yoshikawa Three Kingdom Saga” could be read for free in
network" etc.
Under the Copyright Act the copyright of
the literary work was set "to continue after author's death until 50 years
has passed". Since the calculation was started from the year after the
year of death, in the case of those who deceased in 1962 copyright would run out
at the end of last year. Starting from this year, works could be used without obtaining
Mr. Michio Tomita (60), the operator of the
"Blue Sky Library" which carried out in the Internet free public
presentation of the work that had the copyright run out, said that " there
are many popular work and it is not a regular yearly news topic". There
had been a lot of requests since the end of last year saying that "to open
it early to the public when the year begins". On the New Year's Day
Yanagida's "Tono Tale", Yoshikawa’s "Shihon Taiheiki", and
Murou’s "The Collection of Lyrical Short Pieces" etc were opened up. As
for Yoshikawa’s work, there was a plan to open it to the public in series every
month from now on.
The opening up of these literary works
should be good news for the readers.