2012年12月16日 星期日


Last month the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:







The skeleton of an army pigeon belonged to the English Air Force was found in a private house in Britain; it was thought to have been released by the Allied Forces out of France during the Nazi Germany occupation at the time of the Normandy landing operations (June, 1944) of World War II. Codes were attached to the pigeon and decipher works started in the British Code Processing Center for the first time in 68 years.

David Martin Mr. (74) lived in his house at the southern part of Blethingley in England. When he tried to demolish a fireplace for reconstruction, he found the pigeon inside the chimney. A small red capsule was attached to its leg and inside there was a thin paper written with correspondence (code).
The sender was a staff sergeant belonged to the English Air Force at "W-Stot". It was said that the delivery address was "XO2" and it meant the bomb headquarters. The code consisted of a string of 27 characters in total. The English media said that there was a high possibility that the pigeon was released out of the French Normandy district towards English’s code processing center at Buckinghamshire, but got tired due to some situations, such as a climate condition, and went into the chimney.

According to the English Royal Carrier Pigeon Racing Association, although so far about 30 correspondents had been found from the army pigeon skeletons, it was the first time to discover an encrypted communication document. There was a high possibility that the content was a top secret information; and the contend being flown could be some observations that were needed to guide early bombing etc.  

The English army used about 250,000 numbers of army pigeons for communication in those days. It was said that army pigeons could fly up to to about 1100-km. It was about 150 km from French Normandy district to Mr. Martin’s house, and about 130 km to the code processing center.

It is an interesting discovery and may help historians to study the WWII history.

