2012年6月28日 星期四


Recently FNN on-line reported the following:
福島県で、福島第1原発事故以降に水揚げされた魚介類が、初めて販売された。 漁協関係者は「不安の方が大きい」と語った。 不安だというのは、消費者の動向。 福島県沖の操業は、原発の事故以降、自粛されていた。
今回販売されたのは、ミズダコ、ヤナギダコ、ツブ貝の3種類。 地元の漁協が行った試験操業の結果、水揚げされたものから放射性物質は検出されなかったため、25日から地元の福島・相馬市で販売された。 スーパーには専用の販売コーナーが設けられ、「水揚げ再開」の文字とともに、地元でとれた3種類の魚介類が並べられた。 福島県沖50kmの海域で水揚げされた、タコとツブ貝。
店の人は「漁協でも2回の検査。社内でも自主検査をやっているので。それで放射能不検出ということで、自信を持って販売していきたいと考えています」と語った。 販売価格を通常の半値程度に設定したこともあってか、午後には、ほとんど売り切れ状態になったという。
For the first time after the outbreak of the Fukushima's number one nuclear power plant disaster, fish and shellfish caught in Fukushima were sold in the Fukushima prefecture. Fishermen's cooperative association staff said that "The uneasiness is great". What caused the uneasiness was the consumers' intention. The fishing activity off the Fukushima had been under self-imposed restriction after the nuclear power plant accident.

The catches sold this time were of three types: mizudako, yanagidako, and the tsubu shellfish. Because no radioactive material was detected from what was caught based on the result of the test performed by the local fishermen's cooperative association, the catches were sold starting from the 25th locally at Soma in Fukushima. An exclusive sales corner was established in the supermarket, and the three kinds of fish and shellfish were those that could be caught locally; they were displayed together with the writing to indicate the "resumption of fishing-catching". The octopus and the tsubu shellfish were caught in the ocean area 50 km away from Fukushima.

 A person from the store said "there are two inspections done inside the fishermen's cooperative association. The company also do the self-imposed test. No radio activity is detected. I think we would like to sell them with confidence".  It was said that the selling price was set at half of the usual price. It was in the afternoon, almost all of them were sold out.

It seems that the fishery activity in Fukushima is returning to normal.

2012年6月26日 星期二


Recently the FNN on-line reported the following:
According to the demographic shift situation which the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced, in Fukushima prefecture which had the nuclear power plant disaster, it became clear that in the 2nd year since the accident, the trend that residents moving out exceeded those moving in was still continuing in great number.
Based on the basic resdient register, the dempgraphic shift report covering the period from March to may 2012, there were 9,779 people moved out, greatly exceeded the number of moving in, it was a continuation of the trend in 2011 in Fukushima Prefecture that was hit by the accident at the Fukushima number one nuclear power plant. The particularly noticeable generation that  moved out was the parent with children.
Moreover, in the Tokyo region, Chiba Prefecture at the same period had a hugh net transfer out which became the first time in 53 years, and there was a net moveing into the Osak regon, a continuating trend in 2 years. A net transfer into the western part of Japan was continuing.
About this matter, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications supposed that "the demographic shift to western part of Japan is still continueing and it is necessary to see it in the long run, due to the influence of the earthquake disaster and the nuclear power plant disaster".  

It is understandable that people would prefer to live in a safer location.

2012年6月23日 星期六


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
同館では「写真を通じて、多くの人にハチ公の生涯に関心を持ってもらえれば」と話している。  展示は7月22日まで。問い合わせは同館(03・3486・2791)へ. (2012年6月16日23時55分 読売新聞)
The photograph showing  the last moment of the Akita dog "hachikou", known for its bronze statue standing in front of the Shibuya Station in Tokyo, was donated to the Shibuya district hometown museum's literary hall, and it would be exhibited there starting from the 16th.

The photograph was taken on March 8, 1935 when "Hachikou" died, and after that the photo was passed into the hands of a woman living in Suginami district. Although since that time  Hachikou was being widely loved and regarded as a "faithful dog", there was not much photo data etc in existence at the moment. This photo was being regarded by the museum as one of the precious data from that time.

It was concluded that this photograph on display was taken in the baggage storage area of the Shibuya Station. Hachikou was with closed eyes lying down at the center, and the station employees around it prayed to it with their two palms pressed together.

According to the museum, on that day, Hachikou was found staying in the cold near a bridge of the Shibuya river, and it was carried into the station. At that time it was 11 years old.

The image of a dog visiting the station to welcome its owner who had passed away was regularly reported by the newspaper, and this phenomenon became famous. The passengers and  station employees also found it cute and it was said that the baggage storage area of the station had become a favorite rest place.

The father of the woman who presented this photo was a station employee in those days, and the woman was keeping this photograph. The same photograph was also published in those days in the newspaper published in the metropolitan area.

The museum said "through the photo, it is likely that many people would be interested in the whole life of Hachikou".

The exhibition would be held up to July 22, inquiry could be directed  at the museum (03-3486-2791).

I have heard about the story of  the Akita dog many years ago. I wish I could visit Tokyo to see the exhibition.

2012年6月21日 星期四


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
「死にたい」「5日間何も食べていない」など深刻な悩みも多く、厳しい世相を反映している。  一般社団法人「社会的包摂サポートセンター」(本部・東京)が行う24時間対応の「よりそいホットライン」。貧困、失業、いじめなどあらゆる悩みを1か所で受け止めるワンストップ型の支援が好評で、1日約2万件の電話に対し、つながるのは1200件程度だ。  
相談の7割は生活上の悩みで、30~50歳代からの電話が多い。「失業して家を失った」「生きていてもしょうがない」「誰かと話がしたかった」など、貧困や孤独を訴える声が目立つ。 (2012年5月31日14時44分 読売新聞)
Telephone calls poured into the free consultation center that was started in March with the subsidy of the country in response to a rise of the social unrest after the East Japan great earthquake, and in just a little more than 2 months after its establishment, it had reached a point that it would break down at any moment due to the overloading.
There were many serious social troubles, such as "I would like to die" and "nothing had been eaten for five days", they reflected the severe social situation. The general corporation operating this "social inclusion support center" (headquarters: Tokyo) provided response 24 hous a day through the " nestle the hot line " program. Its one-stop type support which would respond to all troubles, such as poverty, unemployment, and bullying was popular, and there were about 20,000 telephone calls each day that generated about 1200 case files.
In the 38 support bases spread across the country, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., a total of 30 lines were ready; in early morning and at mid-night, there were also about  ten lines standing by. Two counselors would take charge of one line, and a total of about 1200 people would give response in turn.The lawyers etc. at all locations would help in the activity in giving advice if needed. In a life-threatening case, support members, such as a welfare organizations, would rush to the caller's base.
70 percent of consultation was about the troubles in life, and  many telephone calls came from those in 30-50's , such as "the job was lost and the house was lost", "is it unavoidable to continue to be alive", and "I want to talk to someone." The talking that touched on poverty or loneliness was most common.

It seems that the economy in Japan is still far from a total recovery after the East Japan great earthquake.

2012年6月17日 星期日


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
In Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, at the underground of the long-established first-class hotel, there was an air-raid shelter which the visitors could taken refuge when the U.S. Forces started bombing during the Vietnam War.
It was at the underground of the yard of the first-class hotel "Metropole Hanoi" in Hanoi of Vietnam that was opened in 1901 where the air-raid shelter was found. It was opened to reporters on the 21st(May).
The air-raid shelter was situated at a location 4-meter-below ground, in total it was divided into five small rooms occupying a space of about 40 square meters. When the Vietnam War was intensified, the U.S. Forces began the bombing of Hanoi from 1965 up to the end of the war in 1975. There was a moment that up to 40 visitors took refuge in it. It was said that the US actress Ms. Jane Fonda who was carrying the the antiwar movement had also taken refuge there.
Although after the end of the war the entrance was not known anymore, in autumn last year the yard was dug during an expansion project to the hotel building and the shelter was found.
Cao Suan Nya at the time of the Vietnam War was the official of the North Vietnam government responsible for guiding the visitors to seek refuge said that "going into this air-raid shelter again after such a long time, my memory of the war was revived, and it fully fill my chest. Because it is a precious place to know the history of Vietnam, I hope it could be kept for a long time by all means".
In the hotel, the air-raid shelter was displayed and guided tour was also performed.

This shelter can bring back the war memory to many people in Vietnam.

2012年6月15日 星期五


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
In an investigation which was carried out by the city under the direction of Mayor Toru Hashimoto of Osaka that asked about the existence of tattoo among all  employees, on the 16th the city released an interim report which showed that the personnel who had the tattoo had reached a total of 110 people coming from 13 departments.
On the same day the city held the meeting on "the service-disciplines reform project team (PT)" that aimed at stemming out personnel scandal, and hammered out the decision on the internal rules on banning the tattoo, and on strengthening the service training etc.
Investigation was conducted by a register system targeting at about 33,500 people except the board of education. 110 people answered that there was tattoo on a location which could be seen by the eyes of citizens, such as the arm and the neck, the head etc. Up to 98 employees had became the target of a personnel reshuffle review.

So, the mayor of Osaka is trying to improve the image of his employees.


Recently the FNN on-line reported the following:
Aum's last especially wanted offender Katsuya Takahashi the suspect (54) was in custody, he was arrested on the 15th in a comic book cafe near Kamata Station of Ota district, Tokyo.
It was understood that suspect Takahashi was in possession of a large amount of money of about 4,580,000 yen on the day he was arrested.
According to the Metropolitan Police Department, suspect Takahashi possessed about 4,580,000 yen at the time of arrest, 2,380,000 yen went into the black business bag in the same state when suspect Takahashi took it from the credit bank in Kawasaki at Kanagawa, and also 1,980,000 yen was found.
Furthermore there was 220,000 yen in a wallet.
Suspect Takahashi said in a statement  regarding the 1,980,000  yen that "it is the the money earned from working after coming out of the hiding place in Tokorozawa in 1996, the money is not from the religious group."
Moreover, regarding the escape life starting from June 4, suspect Takahashi said in a statement that "The meal was mainly taken in a family restaurant".

Finally Takahashi is under arrest. The Japanese police has done a good job.

2012年6月14日 星期四


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
インドネシア国軍筋によると、各国はこれまでも、自国が主張する排他的経済水域(EEZ)で個別にパトロールを実施。連携パトロールは、各国海軍の艦艇が無線で情報を交換して行動を調整し、哨戒の効果を上げる。実施時期は未定だが、「なるべく早期に始めたい」としている。  ナトゥナ海域では、4か国などがEEZを設定しているのに加え、中国も一部海域の領有権を主張し、中国漁業局の武装監視船を伴った漁船団が「違法操業」を何度も強行。2010年6月には、インドネシアが中国の漁船団を拿捕したところ、武装監視船2隻が解放を要求、にらみ合いの末にインドネシアが解放に応じたこともある。 (2012年6月12日22時15分 読売新聞)
On the 12th regarding the  countries around the ocean area of Indonesia Kepulauan Natuna islands in South China Sea - the countries of the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei, it was understood that together the navy of these four nations was considering patrol cooperation.
The aim was to monitor the "Illegal operation" etc. of the fishing boats of China a country that had  asserted sovereignty on part of the ocean area, and to oppose the hegemony expansion of China in South China Sea.
According to the Indonesia national army sources, individual countries up to now patroled independently in their exclusive economic zone (EEZ) asserted by the respective country. With patrol co-operation, the navy warship of individual countries would exchange information on radio, and made adjustment action to enhance the effect of the patrol. Although the enforcement schedule was undecided, it was supposed that "if possible, they would like to begin at an early stage".
In Natuna ocean area, in addition to the four nations etc. that  had set up EEZ, China also asserted their right over a part of the ocean area. The fishing fleets accompanied by the armed patrol boats of the China fishery office had enforced "illegal operation" repeatedly. When Indonesia captured a Chinese fishing fleet in June, 2010, two armed patrol boats demanded release, at the end of the stand-off, Indonesia complied to the release demand.

The decision of the four countries to link up to perform the ocean patrol is predictable.

2012年6月10日 星期日


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
It was understood that Katsuya Takahashi, the suspect currently especially wanted in connection with the Sarin nerve-gas attack at the Tokyo subway system, had purchased a carrying bag in the nearby shopping center on the day following suspect Naoko Kikuchi's arrest.

The Metropolitan Police Department newly displayed the image of Katsuya Takahashi the suspect that was captured by the security camera in the shopping center on the 4th of this month shortly after 1:00 p.m.

Suspect Takahashi seemed to be evaluating some goods, walking along a bag counter.

His clothing at that time was the same as that when he withdrew deposit from a credit bank. The red rucksack was hung on the shoulder, he was dressing the bluish  trousers and the black short-sleeved shirt.

It was said that suspect Takahashi chose a carrying bag made of black material with blue lines went into it. He took out 6000 yen at the cash register, got 10 yen change, and left the store at around 1:30 p.m. after choosing the goods for about 20 minutes.

After that, suspect Takahashi returned to his company dormitory and changed his clothes. He was regarded as on the run. 

The Metropolitan Police Department concluded that he had escaped with this bag, they exhibited the bag of the same model and appealed for the offer of information.

The photo of the suspect is everywhere in Tokyo now. I am interested in knowing the outcome of this manhunt mounted by the police.

2012年6月7日 星期四


Recently the NHK New on-line reported the following:
In its first survey, the society for the special dentists etc. had made clear that in the whole country in the three years up to last year, regarding the implant medical treatment which embed a metal to the jaw bone to attach an artificial tooth, there were slightly over 400 cases of critical medical trouble due to the damage to the nerve thus causing numbness as a result.

Regarding this investigation, it was the first time for the "Japanese jaw face implant society". It was carried out in response to the unending troubles involving the implant medical treatment. It used the 79 institutions throughout the whole country as the regional base. They were hospitals that performed surgery in the mouth, and also the dental colleges attaching to a hospital, etc. Replies were received from 74 institutions, exceeding 90 percent of the total.

According to it, in the three year up to last year, it was reported that in total there were 421 critical medical trouble cases which repeating medical treatments were needed after carrying out the implant operation in a dental clinic etc.

Among these, most of the cases were that the nerve which passed through the inside of the jaw bone  was damaged, causing numbness and paralysis, etc. There were 158 such cases, taking up about 40 percent of all the cases.

Moreover, there were 63 cases which the implant accidentally penetrated the bone of the upper jaw and entered in the cave below the eye which was called "the maxillary antrum (jougakudou)".

In addition, there are 10 reported cases which the bone around the implant had decayed due to the fact that the process to observe the influence of the medicine used to cure osteoporosis etc. was not being carried out carefully.

Chairman Seto of the board of directors of  the "Japanese jaw face implant society" that performed this survey had said that "as implant medical treatment spreads quickly, the dentist needs to learn fundamental technology and knowledge. As for the patient it is hope that they could choose a dentist who would adequately explain the risk of the operation and the effect of the medicine etc"

While the result of this survey would be analyzed in detail so as to work out measures to prevent future recurrence. The society as one of the safety system, from the 1st of the next month, started the measure of "implant notebook" in which a dentist would fill the maker's name, the kind, and the name of the medicine to be taken etc. effective on the operation day of the implant. The notebook would be passed on to the patient. This would begin in the society's "authorized medical institution" locating at 79 places all over the country.

I am wondering whether 421 cases of critical medical trouble in three years is a high or low figure for a country such as Japan.

2012年6月4日 星期一


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
(2012年5月24日22時43分 読売新聞)
During the Second World War, nine former workers of South Korea were commandeered from the Korean Peninsula, in a lawsuit they asked the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Nippon Steel for reparations and the unpaid wage payments. On the 24th (May) The South Korean Supreme Court made announcement on its ruling, for the first time it was judged that the claim for damages put forward by an individual was effective, it  over-ruled the judgment made in the second trial which rejected the claim of the plaintiff.

From now on, there was a high possibility that the petition of the plaintiff would be accepted.

Some of the plaintiff had filed the same lawsuit in Hiroshima and Osaka in the 1990s, the decision then was that their case was lost. Although in South Korea the second trial decision also applied Japan's judgment correspondingly and rejected the claim, the Supreme Court presupposed, among other points, that "Although premised on the colonial rule of Japan it was lawful, it is opposed to the constitution of South Korea head-on, making the compulsory enlistment illegal. Japan's judgment cannot be recognized".

It will be a good news for those Korean who had suffered in the hands of the Japanese during WWII.

2012年6月1日 星期五


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
ロシア極東のウラジオストク近郊では、老朽化した原子力潜水艦の解体が進められ、およそ50隻分の原子炉の入った部分が密閉されて、日本海沿岸に係留されたままになっています。 海上での係留を続ければ、金属製の船体が腐食して内部の放射性物質が海に漏れ出す危険があるとして、陸上の保管施設に移動させることになり、日本は作業に必要なクレーンやドックなど、総額41億円相当の機材を支援しました。
The nuclear reactor portion of the disassembled nuclear submarines moored at the Far East coast of Russian at the Sea of Japan would be moved to the storage facilities on land for safe keeping, for that purpose, the necessary supporting equipment would be provided by Japan; on the 18th (May) the staff of both counties were present in the hand-over ceremony.

In the Vladivostok suburbs of Russian Far East, demolition of the superannuated nuclear submarines was in progress and the portions containing the nuclear reactor of about 50 boats were sealed. They would continue mooring there at the coast of the Sea of Japan.

It was noted that if mooring at sea was to continue, that there was a risk of corrosion of the metal hulls and leakage of radioactive materials into the sea. It was eventually decided to move them to the storage facility on land. Supporting equipment  amounting to 4,100 million yen in total such as a crane, dock, etc.from Japan was required for the work,

On the 18th at the hand-over ceremony held in the location designated as the site for the storage facility, Section Chief Kensuke Yoshida of the arms control and disarmament division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who came from Japan to participate, emphasised the meaning of the support and said that "This event not only prevents the diffusion of nuclear weapons, but is also important in protecting the environment of the Sea of Japan".

In connection with these superannuated atomic submarines at Russian Far East, Japan had subscribed a little more than 14 billion yen up to now for the demolition of the six atomic submarines, and for supporting the construction of an institution which would process the low level radioactive liquid waste that came out during the demolition.

The Russia side presupposed that the time needed to carry out the work related to the safe keeping of the nuclear reactor portions would be shortened sharply due to the support from Japan.

I think co-operation between countries is always better than confrontation.