2011年3月28日 星期一


Recently the Exite News reported the following:
ベッソン仏産業担当相は28日のラジオで、東日本大震災に伴う東京電力福島第1原発の事故を受け、東電から仏原子力庁と仏電力公社(EDF)、同国原子力大手アレバに支援要請があったことを明らかにした。EDFとアレバはAFP通信に、要請の具体的内容は明らかにできないとしている。  ベッソン氏は、現地で強い放射線が観測されたことを踏まえ、状況は「極めて危機的だ」と懸念を表明。「現時点で正確な状況把握は困難だ」と述べた。  アレバとEDFは既に、福島第1原発の事故を受け、燃料の核分裂反応を抑えるホウ酸約100トンのほか、防護服やマスクなどの支援物資を日本に送っている。 

(試譯文) In the radio on the 28th Besson the French Minister for Industry made clear that the Ministry for Nuclear Energy and the French Electric Power Public Corporation (EDF), and Areba a major nuclear power of the country had received support request from Tokyo Electric Power Company in Fukushima that had accident at its number one nuclear power plant due to the East Japan great earthquake. EDF and Areba were unable to clarify the request from Agency France-Press about the concrete content. Mr. Besson based on the observation of the strong radiation in the locale, expressed the anxiety over the situation, saying that "It is extremely critical". It was described that "To accurately get hold of the situation is difficult now". Areba and EDF having noted the accident at the number one nuclear power plant in Fukushima, had already sent to Japan about 100 tons of boric acid that could restrain the nuclear fission reaction of the fuel, in addition to the protective wear and masks and other the supporting goods.

In view of the magnitude of the nuclear disaster, Japan should seek international help as soon as possible.

