2011年3月19日 星期六


Recently the FNN News reported the following:
文部科学省のまとめによると、水道水から放射性ヨウ素が検出されたのは、東京都、埼玉県、千葉県、栃木県、群馬県、新潟県の1都5県で、栃木と群馬ではセシウムも検出されている。 いずれも微量で、人体には影響がないという。
一方で、福島・川俣町の水道水から17日、原子力安全委員会が定めた指標である、1kgあたり300ベクレルを超える、308ベクレルの放射性ヨウ素が検出されていたことがわかった。 その後、数値は急速に低下しているという。

A tiny amount of radioactive substance was detected from tap water in the capital and five prefectures: the Tokyo capital and prefectures such as Saitama and Chiba. It was said that all were at a level that would not affect health. On the other hand, it was understood that numerical values exceeding the standard had been detected in Kawamata-cho in Fukushima.

According to the summary of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology, it was in the capital and five prefectures (Tokyo, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, and Niigata Prefecture) that radioactive iodine was detected in the tap water, and cesium had been detected in Tochigi and Gunma. It was said that it was of a small amount and had no influence on the human body.

On the 17th, it had been understood that radioactive iodine level at 308 Becquerel had been detected in the tap water of Kawamata-cho of Fukushima, exceeding the 300 Becquerel kg index set by the Nuclear Safety Commission. Afterwards, it was said that the numerical value had decreased rapidly.

Having noted that, and on the other hand, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare showed the opinion that when the radioactivity of the tap water exceeded the index value, "Refrained from drinking although there was no problem in using it as daily life water" etc.; all administrative divisions were notified of such.

The Japanese government is working hard in monitoring the level of radioactivity in water.

