2011年3月31日 星期四


Recently the FNN News reported the following:
東日本大震災で壊滅的な被害を受けた仙台空港は、機能は完全に停止し、一部を残して滑走路のほとんどが水没した。陸上自衛隊の笠松 誠1等陸佐は、「最初はこれでしたからね。これを見たら、もう絶対、この空港、もうアウトだと思いますよね」と話した。しかし、震災から5日目にして、滑走路からがれきが撤去された。仙台空港は3月16日、飛行機の発着が可能となり、救援物資の中継地となった。短期間で物資の運搬を可能にしたのは、自衛隊、アメリカ軍、空港関係者による不眠不休の共同作業だった。復旧作業にあたったアメリカ軍兵士は、「飛行機が着陸できるため、シャベルやほうきで滑走路を掃除しました」、「みんな、朝から晩まで、一生懸命に作業を行った」と語った。アメリカ軍は、閉鎖中の空港ターミナルに宿泊し、作業を続けた。仙台空港では、3月31日、滑走路のがれきの撤去作業がすべて終了した。非常用の管制塔が設置され、管制機能が復旧し、今後は民間機の発着を目指す。

The Sendai airport that had suffered catastrophic damages from the East Japan great earthquake had stopped functioning completely, the part of runway that remained were mostly under water. Colonel Kasamatsumakoto of the Ground Self-Defense Force said that 「It was this at the beginning. When I saw it, I had absolutely thought that this airport was already out」. However, on the fifth day from the earthquake rubbles were removed from the runway. At the Sendai airport on March 16 airplane arrivals and departures were possible, and it became the relating ground for rescue supplies. It was the round-the-clock joint efforts by the Self Defense Forces, the U.S. Army, and persons related to the airport that the transportation of goods was made possible in such a short period of time. The soldiers of the U.S. Army who had undertaken reconstruction efforts said, "In order to enable the airplanes to land, the runway was cleaned with shovels and brooms" and "everyone worked hard from morning till night". The U.S. Army kept staying in the isolated airport terminal, and worked continuously. All the rubble removal work at the runway in the Sendai airport ended on March 31. The emergency control tower was set up, the control functions were restored, and it aimed at the arrival and departure of the civilian planes in the future.

The US as an alliance is helping Japan to recover from the earthquake disaster.

2011年3月30日 星期三


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

東日本巨大地震による津波で沖合や陸地に流されたり、大破したりした漁船は、宮城県だけで約1万2000隻に上り、県に登録された船の9割に達することが30日、分かった。 県の発表によると、県が県漁協に対して行った聞き取り調査の結果、県に登録済みの20トン未満の船1万3409隻のうち、無事だったのは1404隻のみ。残りの1万2005隻は、沖合や陸地まで流されたり、沈没したりしていた。被害額は1022億円に上るとみられる。さらに、20トン以上の漁船161隻については、県が引き続き被害状況を調べている。 被害に遭った船は、石巻市が3341隻、気仙沼市が3315隻、南三陸町が2149隻など。いずれもほとんどがサンマ漁やイカ漁、ワカメやカキなど養殖漁業の船だ。船のほか、養殖施設や水産物の被害額も332億円に上るという。
On the 30th, it was understood that the number of fishing boats that were thrown into offshore or onto the land and got serious damages because of the tsunami of the East Japan huge earthquake had gone up to about 12,000 in Miyagi Prefecture alone, and reaching 90 percent of total ships registered in the prefecture. According to the announcement of the prefecture, the result of the hearing survey which the prefecture did on the prefecture's fishery cooperative organizations, for ships less than 20 tones, the number of safe ones was only 1404 among 13,409 ships registered in the prefecture. Of the remainder 12,005 some were thrown to offshore or onto the land, and some had sunk. It was expected that the damage cost would amount to 102.2 billion yen. In addition, the prefecture continued to examine the damage situation of about 161 fishing boats of 20 tons or more. With regard to ships that encountered damages, there were 3341 at Ishinomake, 3315 at Kesen'numa city, 2149 at south Sanriku-cho etc. Mostly were ships for the saury fishing and the squid fishing, and also ships for aquaculture for wakame seaweeds and oysters. Besides the ships, it was said that the damage cost of the cultivation facilities and marine products also would amount to 33.2 billion yen.

, the fishery in the region had suffered heavy damages. It is a sad news to hear.

2011年3月29日 星期二


Recently the Asahi News reported the following: タイ政府は29日、東日本大震災による福島第一原発などの事故で電力不足に陥っている東京電力に、ガスタービン発電機2基を付属設備を含めて施設丸ごと無料で貸し出すと発表した。1基で約450トン。2基で計24万4千キロワットを供給する能力があり、船で運んで8月中の稼働を目指す。 東京電力は今夏ピーク時の電力不足を総需要の2割弱の850万~900万キロワットと見積もっており、余剰設備がないかを国内外に打診。タイ政府がほぼ休眠状態だった非常時用のガスタービン発電機2基を貸し出すと申し出た。 1995年稼働開始の三菱重工製。貸出期間は3~5年で、吸気フィルターや排気ダクトなど付属設備も運ぶ。全体の設置面積は1基約1700平方メートル。設置場所は検討中という。施設の分解と輸送、再組み立てなどを経て稼働は8月ごろになる。 輸送作業を担当する三菱重工によると、発電機だけを運んで日本で付属設備をそろえるより短期間で稼働できる。これだけの規模の海外移送は「世界的にも聞いたことがない」(担当者)という。 ワナラット・チャーンヌクン・エネルギー大臣は記者会見で「日本とタイは120年に及ぶ協力関係にあり、電力についても40年間にわたり提携してきた」と述べた。
(試譯文) On the 29th the Thai government announced that they would lend out two gas turbo-generators free of charge including related facilities to Tokyo Electric Power Company that had fallen into a electricity shortage because of the accident such as the one at the number nuclear power plant in Fukushima due to a East Japan great earthquake. It was about 450 tons each. The two had the total ability to supply 244,000 kilowatts, and they would be carried by ship and the aim was to make them operational by August. Tokyo Electric Power Company estimated that this summer there would be a peak electricity shortage of 8.5 million to 9 million kilowatts being 20 percent or less of the total demand; and was checking whether there would be surplus capacity inside and outside the country. The two gas turbo generators offered and lent out by Thai government were for the emergency, and were almost in dormancy. They were made by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and their operation began in 1995. The related facilities such as the suction filters and the ventilation ducts would also be included in this 3-5 years lending period. The total space required for installation for one would be about 1700 square meters. It was said that the installation location was being examined. The facilities would become operational by August after going through dismantling, transportation, and re-assembly etc. According to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries that took charge of the transportation operation, the generators could operate in a short time because they were delivered to Japan with the related facilities together. Such a scale of overseas wholesome transportation was "Not heard of in the world" (said the person in charge). Cha-nnukun the Energy Minister said at a press interview that "Japan and Thailand were in cooperation lasting for 120 years, and had cooperated for 40 years on the electric power".
It seems that Japan is making preparation to cope with the high electricity demand in the coming summer.

2011年3月28日 星期一


Recently the NHK News reported the following:
Plutonium was detected from the soil at the site of the power plant as a result of the accident at the number nuclear plant in Fukushima. According to the Tokyo Electric Power Company the plutonium detected was of very low level and there was little influence on the human body.

According to the Tokyo Electric Power Company, the soil was gathered from the 21st to the 22nd in five places at the site of the nuclear plant in Fukushima, and it was analyzed by an outside specialized agency. The result was that at least at two locations plutonium was detected and that was thought to have been discharged due to the present accident. The detected plutonium was at a very low level that there was little influence on the human body, according to the Tokyo Electric Power Company. Plutonium was generated when usual uranium was used to generate electricity in nuclear power plant; at the number one nuclear power plant in Fukushima, its number three machine used a fuel called mixed oxide fuel that had plutonium inside. Although the radiation given out by plutonium could be shielded off by one piece of paper, the Tokyo Electric Power Company carried out investigation because when it was taken up by the internal organs such as lungs and other organs for a long time, there was a possibility of causing cancer. In future, the Tokyo Electric Power Company would twice a week continue investigating the plutonium in the soil at three locations of the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima.

The detection of plutonium in the soil at the vicinity of the nuclear plant is a serious matter. Close monitoring of the radiation is a crucial step to ensure safety.


Recently the Exite News reported the following:
ベッソン仏産業担当相は28日のラジオで、東日本大震災に伴う東京電力福島第1原発の事故を受け、東電から仏原子力庁と仏電力公社(EDF)、同国原子力大手アレバに支援要請があったことを明らかにした。EDFとアレバはAFP通信に、要請の具体的内容は明らかにできないとしている。  ベッソン氏は、現地で強い放射線が観測されたことを踏まえ、状況は「極めて危機的だ」と懸念を表明。「現時点で正確な状況把握は困難だ」と述べた。  アレバとEDFは既に、福島第1原発の事故を受け、燃料の核分裂反応を抑えるホウ酸約100トンのほか、防護服やマスクなどの支援物資を日本に送っている。 

(試譯文) In the radio on the 28th Besson the French Minister for Industry made clear that the Ministry for Nuclear Energy and the French Electric Power Public Corporation (EDF), and Areba a major nuclear power of the country had received support request from Tokyo Electric Power Company in Fukushima that had accident at its number one nuclear power plant due to the East Japan great earthquake. EDF and Areba were unable to clarify the request from Agency France-Press about the concrete content. Mr. Besson based on the observation of the strong radiation in the locale, expressed the anxiety over the situation, saying that "It is extremely critical". It was described that "To accurately get hold of the situation is difficult now". Areba and EDF having noted the accident at the number one nuclear power plant in Fukushima, had already sent to Japan about 100 tons of boric acid that could restrain the nuclear fission reaction of the fuel, in addition to the protective wear and masks and other the supporting goods.

In view of the magnitude of the nuclear disaster, Japan should seek international help as soon as possible.

2011年3月26日 星期六


Recently the NHK News reported the following:


Two weeks had passed since the North East Great Kanto Earthquake, 197,000 people continued their relocation livelihood in various centers in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima. On top of that up to 30,000 people had been evacuated out of the prefectures, and in Fukushima Prefecture where the nuclear accident happened, public office functioning of the municipality were moved outside the prefecture and massive evacuation movement continued.

as of 26th brought together the shelter situation in all administrative divisions. The number of people who were seeking shelter due to this earthquake fell below 200,000 in the whole country for the first time after the earthquake and stood at 197,145 people. Those had the highest number of refugees respectively were: Miyagi Prefecture - 635 places in 30 cities and towns with 85,476 people seeking refuge. Iwate - 380 places in 21 municipalities with 43,879 people. Fukushima prefecture - 288 places in 47 municipalities with 31,264 people relocated. On the other hand, the number of those who departed from locals around Fukushima Prefecture where the nuclear accident happened to take shelter at other prefectures had increased further on the 26th, and those evacuated outside the prefecture had gone up to a total of 33,818 people in the whole country. Most people sought refuge in Kanto Koshinetsu region. The most popular was Niigata Prefecture with 8,701 people, next was Gunma Prefecture with 3,490 people, followed by Saitama with 3,391 people seeking refuge.

The impact of nuclear accident happened in Fukushima is now being felt. I hope it will not deteriorate further.


Recently the Asahi News reported the following





Because of the number one nuclear plant accident at Fukushima, the radiation poisoning at the surrounding ocean area was aggravated as water drained from the nuclear power plant had exceeded the standard over 1000 times. In this respect, on the 26th Madarame the chairman of the Atomic Energy Safety Committee held the view that there was no worry because "The radioactive substance would be diluted in the sea, and diffused", there was no worry even if the fish was eaten by people.

In the investigation in the vicinity of the drainage outlet at the nuclear power plant done by Tokyo Electric Power Company, in the morning on the 25th, for each one cube centimeter the iodine 131 detected was at 50 Becquerel while cesium 137 was at 7.2 Becquerel. When compared to the standard on the drainage as set by the nuclear power plant, iodine was 1250 times higher while the cesium was 79 higher. Tokyo Electric Power Company decided to increase the measurement frequency from once a day to twice.

On the other hand, on the 23rd when the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology carried out examination at a point about 30-kilo offshore from the nuclear power plant, the highest cesium detected in a litre was 26 Becquerel. Compared to the drinking water standard, it was below 1/7, but it exceeded 10,000 times the usual value found in the fiscal year 2009.

As for the influence on the marine organism, on the 26th the Nuclear Safety Commission believed that 「Although the density is high in the vicinity of the outlet, before taking up by the sea organism, it will flow into the current, it would be diffused and diluted. In addition, the 8-day half - life of the iodine is short, it is thought that it would decrease a lot before it is eaten by people」.

On the other hand according Misonou of the Foundation for Marine Ecology Research Institute researcher Junn (environmental radioactivity), it was said that the radioactive substance that fishes took might be accumulated at a maximum inside the body up to the density of 30-50 time of the seawater when the density was high. It was said that the cesium whose half - life was 30 years remained a worry. It was pointed out that 「The influence on fish will come out in 2-4 months. It is necessary to continue to survey a large area. It is related to the safety of consumers and fishermen」.

Because the half-life of cesium is 30 years, it will have a long term impact on marine life. To continue to monitor the situation is of paramount importance.

2011年3月25日 星期五


Recently the NHK News reported the following:

From the analysis done by the Meteorological Agency, it was understood that the massive earthquake that occurred in the Pacific Ocean north east coast was caused by a shift movement of up to 30 meters happened at the 450-kilometer north to south fault at the bottom of the sea from the Iwate Prefecture offing to the Ibaraki Prefecture offing.

On the 25th the Meteorological Agency at a press conference made public the result of their analysis on how this massive earthquake had happened, based on the seismograph data observed in the country and in foreign countries. According to it, the destruction of the fault started in the Miyagi Prefecture offing; individually the approximately 200-kilo long fault located at the north at the Iwate Prefecture offing, and the approximately 150-kilo long fault at the south at the Fukushima Prefecture offing shifted; immediately after that, the approximately 100-kilo long fault at further south at the Ibaraki Prefecture offing also moved; in about three minutes, this 450-kilo north south fault that started from the Iwate Prefecture offing to the Ibaraki Prefecture offing shifted up to a maximum of 30 meters; it was understood that the massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude occurred had caused the tsunami that exceeded ten meters which overwhelmed the Pacific Ocean north east coast. Takashi Yokota the director of the Earthquake Prediction Division of the Meteorological Agency said that "In future, I hope to contribute towards disaster prevention and response through continuing analyzing the massive earthquake and the aftershock etc, and through understanding the full image of the earthquake".

According to the experts in Japan, it is a 30-meter shift in the fault that has caused the tsunami.

2011年3月24日 星期四


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:
A suitcase that was stuffed with banknotes was delivered to the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai on the 24th. Senders were over 60 Chinese enterprise companies and Chinese employee volunteers. It was the third time that a suitcase had arrived since the East Japan great earthquake; inside in total was about 44,000 numbers of 100 yuan banknote. It was said that this was extended by words of mouth, and offers of support came one after another.

 What was brought in on the 24th was a suitcase about 50 centimeters in height. One thousand numbers of 100 yuan banknote were bundled (about 13 centimeters in thickness), and those not in bundle were stuffed to the rucksack. The money was similar to that delivered on 17th and 18 two days, and up to the 24th this repeating delivery had reached 4.43 million yuan (about 55 million yen) in total. It was said that it would arrive again after next week.

At first, it was thought that the woman who had brought in it was a party connected to the major circulation company Nitori in Japan, because this company had been called the customer. However, the woman explained that "I am being entrusted, they want me to deliver it from Chinese enterprise customers to Japan, the money is just in my custody". Tong Zhongping the chairman of the Xi Tian International Trading (Shanghai) that called for the relief and condolence money said that "Japan first gave support to the large earthquake at Sichuan. This time it is our turn". Junior high school students in Shanghai also collected pocket money and anonymously sent 1388 yuan (about 17,000 yen) to the Consulate as relief and condolence money. The Shanghai Fu Xing High Technology Group also extended the circle of support on the 24th in sending five million yuan to the men who faced the risk to carry out works in the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima, and to their family.

It seems that in Shanghai some Chinese companies and their employees are voluntarily donating money to help Japan.

2011年3月23日 星期三


Recently the NHK News reported the following:

Fukuoka Prefecture governor Aso who also served as the chairman of National Governors Association conferred with Katayama the Minister for Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications to request the establishment of a new fund which the country would bear the full amount as the financial resource to support the rebuilding of the municipality, and the rebuilding of victim's livelihood that had received catastrophic damage in the Tohoku Great Kanto Earthquake.
Governor Izumida of Niigata Prefecture also sat in the conference, and Aso governor appealed that 「A lot of people had died in the stricken area, the whole town was washed away because of the tsunami, and it is not possible to respond using the current victim support system that at the moment only pays attention to the support of the victim individually. I want you to review it drastically by all means」. And, it was requested that a new fund at a scale of 1 trillion to 1.5 trillion yen to be set up which the country would bear the full amount as the financial resource to support the rebuilding of the municipality, and the rebuilding of victim's livelihood that had received catastrophic damage. On the other hand, Katayama the Minister for Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications said that 「There are a few things that could not go well with the existing law system. The hope is to arrange the problems so that the municipality may work easily on the financial side, and to respond to all things that are permissible within the limits」.

As far as rebuilding the municipality is concerned, it is natural for the prefectures to seek financial help from the nation as a whole.

2011年3月22日 星期二


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:

The Coordinating Committee for Prediction of Volcanic Eruption of the Meteorological Agency (Chairman Toshitsugu Fujii, professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo) was held on the 22nd, and it was reported that seismic activities were activated in three volcanoes (Mt. Fuji, the Mt. Hakone (Kanagawa Prefecture), and Yakedake (Gifu and Nagano prefecture boundary)). It was said that there was no change in the volcanic activity although it was thought that the influence of a East Japan great earthquake could be seen. On the 11th, at Yakedake and the Mt. Hakone, earthquake had occurred one after another immediately after the occurrence of the 9.0 magnitude East Japan great earthquake, the shake observed was at the magnitude of 2-3 in seismic intensity. A shake at an intensity over 6 was observed in prefecture in which the Fujinomiya City lied and Mt. Fuji existed as a result of the magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred in the east part of Shizuoka Prefecture on the 15th. It was said that afterwards aftershocks continued.

The Meteorological Agency believed that "There is neither volcanic tremor nor changes in the earth's crust, and the symptom of the volcanic activity is not found".

Chairman Fujii made the point that 「While it is true that some of the volcanoes in Japan have reacted, whether it is the direct influence of the magnitude 9.0 earthquake is not understood. The seismic activity around the volcano is having a reducing tendency, and probably nothing will happen right now. However, in the Sumatra earthquake in 2004, it is only after several months have passed that the volcanic activity in Indonesia is reactivated; so it is necessary to pay attention from now on」.

At present, it is difficult to know whether the East Japan great earthquake will cause further earthquakes. Using the Sumatra earthquake as the example, it is useful to stay alert in the coming few months.

2011年3月21日 星期一


Recently the NHK News reported the following:
After noting that farm products were detected to have radioactive substance that exceeded the standard value of the country, the government had directed the Prefecture governors of Fukushiima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma to impose shipment limitation on the spinach and the "kakina" produced in their prefectures; limitation was also imposed on the original milk gathered from Fukushima. For this, Vice president Takashi Fujimoto of the Tokyo Electric Power Company apologized at a press interview to say that "Feeling sorry indeed to have caused the trouble". On top of that, Vice president Fujimoto, regarding the compensation to the farmers who suffered damage due to the shipment limitation, said that 「I want to respond with sincerity to consult the country from the viewpoint of relieving victims. About the compensation I want to examine what way could be done in the future」.

The radioactive substance is affecting the livelihood of the farmers.

2011年3月20日 星期日


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:

At the Asakusa's Sanja Festival (Asakusa Shrine Festival) the known brave proceeding of the portable shrine would be discontinued. Asakusa Shrine and the Asakusa Shrine Sponsoring Association on the 20th made the decision after considering the disaster caused by the East Japan great earthquake.
Although this year was scheduled for 20 -22 in May, only the festival ceremony on the 21st put in the wish for the early revival of the stricken area. The carrying of miniature shrines would be discontinued. The festival took the current shape after the War, it was the first time to discontinue.
Shuutakashi Uchida the secretary-general of the Sponsoring Association said that "It was judged necessary to exercise voluntary restrain after considering the current state in which a large amount of victim was seen". Last year during the festival period the crowd had gone up to about 1.6 million people.

The East Japan great earthquake has affected the mood of the Japanese. I hope people's daily life could return to normal as soon as possible.

2011年3月19日 星期六


Recently the FNN News reported the following:
文部科学省のまとめによると、水道水から放射性ヨウ素が検出されたのは、東京都、埼玉県、千葉県、栃木県、群馬県、新潟県の1都5県で、栃木と群馬ではセシウムも検出されている。 いずれも微量で、人体には影響がないという。
一方で、福島・川俣町の水道水から17日、原子力安全委員会が定めた指標である、1kgあたり300ベクレルを超える、308ベクレルの放射性ヨウ素が検出されていたことがわかった。 その後、数値は急速に低下しているという。

A tiny amount of radioactive substance was detected from tap water in the capital and five prefectures: the Tokyo capital and prefectures such as Saitama and Chiba. It was said that all were at a level that would not affect health. On the other hand, it was understood that numerical values exceeding the standard had been detected in Kawamata-cho in Fukushima.

According to the summary of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology, it was in the capital and five prefectures (Tokyo, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, and Niigata Prefecture) that radioactive iodine was detected in the tap water, and cesium had been detected in Tochigi and Gunma. It was said that it was of a small amount and had no influence on the human body.

On the 17th, it had been understood that radioactive iodine level at 308 Becquerel had been detected in the tap water of Kawamata-cho of Fukushima, exceeding the 300 Becquerel kg index set by the Nuclear Safety Commission. Afterwards, it was said that the numerical value had decreased rapidly.

Having noted that, and on the other hand, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare showed the opinion that when the radioactivity of the tap water exceeded the index value, "Refrained from drinking although there was no problem in using it as daily life water" etc.; all administrative divisions were notified of such.

The Japanese government is working hard in monitoring the level of radioactivity in water.

2011年3月18日 星期五


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:


It had been understood that at least four flights of overseas airlines had changed the landing destination from New Tokyo International Airport to another airport due to the number one nuclear plant explosion in Fukushima.

There was a shipping company considering the discontinuation of the port call at the Kanto region, also the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport having regard that 「Radiation dosage escaped is very slight outside the area surrounding the nuclear power plant, and there is the wish to know the correct information」, information on radiation measurements in the area around the Narita airport, the Haneda Airport and the Tokyo port were published at the homepage in English of the same Ministry and other related organizations.
According to the Diplomatic Relation Ministry, after a small amount of dose of radiation was observed in the Kanto region such as Tokyo, the enquiry such as "The crew is not feeling safe, and is it safe?" was being raised by more than one foreign shipping company. On the 18th it was said that air mail in total in four flights of Alitalia Airlines in Italy, and Lufthansa Airlines in Germany had changed their landing destination from New Tokyo International Airport to the Kansai airport and Chubu International Airport.
There were also over reaction to the aircraft departed from Japan too. According to the Diplomatic Relation Ministry and All Nippon Airways, the cargo plane of All Nippon Airways that departed from New Tokyo International Airport on the 16th was pointed out by the officer in charge at the Tairen airport, the destination in China, that the radiation dosage of the load had exceeded the regulated amount of China, and the plane returned home without unloading the cargo. It was said that there was no answer though this company inquired about the regulated value of China and the dosage of radiation detected.
On the 18th, Transport Minister Ohata at the press conference after the Cabinet Council meeting said that "The whole government want to work hard in sending out the correct information".

The Japanese government is trying hard to disclose more information on radiation related matters. I think this is the first step in the right direction.


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

On the 18th at the Fukushima City, Osuhira Sato the governor of Fukushima Prefecture during talk with Matsumoto the Disaster Prevention Minister who was inspecting the disaster stricken area had said that "If the nuclear accident is not settled as soon as possible, it would be bad", and strongly requested an early situation control regarding the accident of the number one nuclear plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company in Fukushima.

Moreover, he gave critical but frank advice in relation to the harmful rumors that were spreading widely, saying that "If information were not promptly announced, the government would be embarrassed".
After the conversation, Governor Sato spoke to reporters with an open feelings that 「For 40 years Fukushima Prefecture has supplied electric power to the metropolitan area. The hope is to speak in sincerity face to face with all the people about this accident in Japan」.
On the other hand, Matsumoto the Disaster Prevention Minister told reporters that "The matters I had seen, the discussions I had with the victims had deeply carved into my mind, from now on I want to diligently respond".

It seems that the Governor of Fukushima Prefecture had a frank discussion with the visiting minister.

2011年3月17日 星期四


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:

On the 17th, the investigation done by Prof. Fuminhiko Imamura (tsunami engineering) of the Tohoku University found that the tsunami came from the East Japan great earthquake had a height of ten meters when it reached the Arahara district in Sendai City Wakabayashi Ward where a death toll of several hundreds people was confirmed. It was said that this was the world's largest class tsunami seen at plain part. The tsunami was about three times the height that Miyagi Prefecture had prepared for; it went beyond the tide embankment and the sea wind protection forest, and hit the villages.

In the Arahara district, there were signs that the tsunami was up to ten meters in height at some part of the school building of the elementary school where the residents had escaped into. From the Arahara district to Natori City, almost the whole region had marks of a tsunami that was ten meters in height. Tsunami could not be amplified easily at the plain part, but it could be amplified in the Sanriku coast etc. , and there was a possibility that it was amplified more than twice than those seen at the plain part. According to Mr Imamura, it was said that the biggest tsunami generated at the plain part was over ten meters and that was observed at the Indian Ocean in 2004.

At Miyagi prefecture, the assumption was based on the biggest tsunami seen previously due to the Miyagi Prefecture off-shore earthquake (synchronization type); at this region, the expectation was 2 to 3 meters. Although a five-meter tide embankment together with a pine forest with a width ranging from 50 to a few hundreds meters was prepared, this tsunami was three times bigger. The ferro-concrete building assumed to be unbreakable in the tsunami was destroyed in the fishing port in Natori City. Mr. Imamura said 「An exceptional strong tsunami had came. I had been involved in the disaster prevention measures and I think it is embarrassing.」

Natural disasters are difficult to predict, a ten-meter tsunami is something beyond expectation.

2011年3月16日 星期三


Recently the NHK news reported the following:

It was known that the work of the Ground Self-Defense Force to use helicopters to confirm the isolated villages etc. inside the Miyagi prefecture was complete, and from now on the focus of activity would be shifted to the transportation of rescue supplies etc.
The Ground Self-Defense Force had completed the work using helicopters to search for villages etc. that were isolated in the stricken area, and to rescue the victims and confirm their safety. As a result, in the Miyagi prefecture, it had been understood that about 1000 people were sent for relocation to the schoolhouse of the Ishinomaki Kobunkan high school in Ishinomaki City, and its situation was unable to confirm until the last minute. According to the Ground Self-Defense Forces, now that the work to confirm all the most isolated villages had been finished. Therefore in future, the whole activity would be shifted to the transportation of rescue supplies etc. while kept on searching to see whether there were people being isolated. The Self Defense Forces had mobilized over 50,000 people to do the rescue and recovery work in the Miyagi prefecture, and it was scheduled to strengthen the situation by adding two hovercrafts, marine transport machines that could carry large-scale heavy equipment; and the future direction was to undertake victim support and remedial activities.

It is nice to see that rescue work in the Miyagi prefecture is underway.

2011年3月15日 星期二


Recently the Excite News reported the following:


Even here the nail mark of the "TSUNAMI" was shocking. Entering the stricken area in Iwate Prefecture Ofunato city, the rescue workers from the United States, Britain, and China that conducted the survivor searching activity were witnessing a fresh reality. When these experienced rescue professionals entered the vicinity, they were shocked to speechless.

150 people from the United States, 70 from British, and 15 from China entered Ofunato. On the 15th they asked the local people and the firemen about the damage situation; using rescue dogs, they separately searched the the mountains of rubble. George Carpenter (32) from the United States was "doing a work with a doubtful thought that whether he could even help one person". Joe Kareda (51) was shocked, saying that "It is more awful than the large earthquakes at Sumatra and Haiti".
The rescue workers from China were surprised, saying that "Because the tsunami knocked down the houses side way with surprising swiftness, it is felt that their look differs greatly in nature from that of earthquake disasters". It was said that 「During the large earthquake in Sichuan, the hand of support was held out by Japan and that was taken. With pleasure we also want to help in the search」.

Finally some help from the international community has arrived. It seems that what George Carpenter had seen was a dead city with not even one survivor. Japan, please hold on.

2011年3月12日 星期六


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

All needles of the clocks at the Sendai airport (Miyagi Prefecture Natori City) indicated it was 4:00PM.
It was time that the tsunami generated by the earthquake on the 11th reached the airport. Now it was daytime of the 12th at the airport, there were about 400 residents from the vicinity who were relocated to here for shelter, in addition to about 700 airplane users forced to stay behind and about 300 people who were related to the airline.
The journalist reached the Sendai airport on foot at around 2:00PM at last. At the main entrance big driftwood had thrust it. Earth and sand entered the floor of the first floor, and refugees were at the lobby on the second floor. The power supply continued to fail, and always there were 30 to 40 people forming a line at the cellular phone charging corner.
Food and the medicine were offered free of charge at the stalls, and the appearance of the airport official who rolled the vinyl on the body of a cold victim could be seen. At around 3.00 pm, a staff who had received the information that "The water level of the nearby river decreases" directed that 「The tsunami might come. Please move up to the third floor」.

Nara Prefecture Tenri City's company employee Tomomi Omae (23) who had come from the Itami airport on business trip encountered the earthquake at the Sendai airport platform, and returned to the airport. When he looked through the window, the tsunami that pierced through pine woods and approaching caught his eyes: "The cold at night is more painful than anything else". Director Junichi Ishimore (59) of Sendai airport building in a steep expression hoped for the rescue of evacuees 「Food stock may hit bottom tomorrow. A chilly night that is cold below the freezing point is also painful」.

I hope Japan will recover from the earthquake disaster soon.