2014年6月18日 星期三


A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
深海魚:海に異変? 室戸岬沖で105匹捕獲
毎日新聞 20140422日 1811分(最終更新 0422日 1844分)
On the 22nd (April) at the fixed net set up at Muroto-misaki Cape of Kochi, 105 abyssal fish the "Hoteieso" whose ecology was hardly understood was found inside, and one of them was captured in a living state. On the 21st, nine animals were also found, a specialist indicated "as if certain accident had happened in the sea".

According to a NPO the "Japanese Sea Turtle Association" (Osaka) which was investigating the ecology of the neighboring marine organism, the local fisherman set up the net about 2 km off-shore and near a depth of about 70 meters. Their length was about 10-25 cm. Although the Association was keeping one animal alive, it was said that it had weakened very much.

I think may be the sea bed in that region is encountering some changes.

