2014年6月4日 星期三


A few weeks ago the FNN News on-line reported the following:

今世紀末に日本の平均気温が6.4度上がるとの中間報告書 環境省

研究チームは、「温暖化のもたらすリスクが巨大になるのを防ぐために、温室効果ガスを大幅に削減することが必要」と指摘している。(03/17 12:49)

By the end of this century the average temperature in Japan would go up by 6.4 degrees due to the influence of the warming; a research team of the Ministry of Environment compiled an interim statement showing that death tolls, such as heatstroke, would increase by more than doubling the present.

This report said that if warming progressed as it was, by the end of this century the average temperature of Japan would go up by 6.4 degrees at the maximum, and that death tolls, such as heatstroke, would increase by more than doubling the present.

Moreover, the sea surface water level would go up by 63 cm at the maximum, and it was presumed that 85% of the sandy beach across the country would be lost in that case.

While the quality of rice would deteriorate because Japan would become a subtropical-zone, the area on the western part of Japan where mandarin oranges (Satsuma mandarin) could be produced would be halved, and that the "Tankan", a subtropical fruits, could be produced in all area except for Hokkaido and the northeast.

The research team had indicated that "in order to prevent the warming to post a huge risk, to sharply reduce greenhouse gas is required".

I have doubt that the greenhouse gas would be reduced sharply in the foreseeable future world- wide.

