2013年2月20日 星期三


Recently the FNN on-line reported the following:


(02/20 13:03)

Because the import of fuel for thermal power generation etc. had increased due to the cheap yen, the trade balance in January reached 1,629,400 million yen, being the highest amount of deficit ever.

According to the foreign trade statistics in January which the Ministry of Finance announced, while export value amount went up 6.4% compared to the same month of the previous year, import value increased 7.3% due to the increased demand for fuel for thermal power generation etc.

As a result, deducting import from export the trade balance recorded a loss of 1,629,400 million yen, exceeding the1,481,500 million yen in January 2012, and henceforth being the highest ever since 1979 when comparable figures became available.

Meanwhile, due to fuel cost increase in thermal power generation, Shikoku Electric Power was expecting a net loss in the 2012 fiscal year that would reach 50 billion and being the worst ever; in the morning of the 20th the company had applied to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry for an average of 10.94% of price increase in the electricity bill for homes starting from July.

So, inflation has arrived in Japan after a long period of deflation.

