2013年2月3日 星期日


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:


毎日新聞 20130201日 2330分(最終更新 0202日 0046分)






On the first of this month, the Ministry of Environment pointed out that the natural Nihon Eel, which had a poor catch continuously, was an "endangered species". It judged that "the danger of its extinction in the near future in the wildness is high". There was no specific legal restricting force, and neither the fish catch nor the dealings were restricted. In order to compensate for the short supply, the Fisheries Agency started joint resource control with China and Taiwan. On the other hand, a domestic eel restaurant showed its understanding that "in order to keep Japanese gastronomic culture" there was the need for specific "preservation of the species"

What kind of influence would this specification have on an eel store? The approach road to the Narita Sanshinshouji (Narita-shi, Chiba) there were eel stores standing side by side. The storekeeper of an eel restaurant "Kawatoyo" which was a long-established store that was founded over 100 years indicated that "it is Japanese gastronomic culture, same as sushi and tempura and it must not disappear. As it is impossible to catch a certain number, it is thought that specifying it for preservation as a species is unavoidable."

Mr. Noboru Kanamoto (46) the 6th generation of the eel restaurant "Iwao Noda" in Minato-ku, Tokyo who was staying calm “thought that since it has decreased this much, it should be specified". However, he also said "it is impossible to make predictions on how the consumers would respond to the specification, and on what would happen to customer flow".

The Hiroyuki Yokoi chairman of the board of directors of the Japanese Food Analysts Association (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) which grouped together food specialists said that "the wild eels are very healthy and precious in terms of putting on fat. Japanese people have an inseparable relation with food. In order to keep gastronomic culture, certain regulations with legal power are unavoidable, and would like to see that the quantity of the fry could recover”; yet concern was also expressed in that "the price will bounce back and the business of the eel stores may be affected"

So, the Japanese love eating eels that are caught from the sea. My understanding is that they regularly import eels from China.

