2012年12月26日 星期三


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:







201211232253分 読売新聞)


The Board of Education of Taketa city, Oita clarified the around 100 thousand copper coins that had been found from a hill in the city.

Regarding these imported overseas money, they were from China between the Kamakura period and the early period of Edo. There were several kinds, such as the "Kaiyuan Tongbao" of the Tang period and the "Yongle Tongbao" of the Ming period and were mixed together, and it was concluded that there were tens of thousands pieces. Their bury time and their circulation in those days etc. were being investigated

According the Cultural-Assets Division of the City’s Board of Education, in order to make the strip road for transporting wood etc. in a private land in late September a slope was cut with some heavy industrial machines, and they came out.

Although some copper coins were partly connected to the hole with a string, many came out scattering around and they were rusty green. Moreover, pieces of wood of a wood bucket which contained these copper coins were also found, and it was said that some influential people might have buried them in preparation for an emergency, such as a war.

The Board of Education’s Buried Cultural Property Investigation Center of the prefecture said this was the largest number of copper coins being found in the prefecture at one location. The city’s Board of Education was washing them one at a time, classifying them according their different kinds, and doing the investigation.

According to Shimonoseki City University Professor Shin-ichi Sakuragi (Money Archaeology), in term of the quantity of copper coins found at one location, about 94,000 pieces were seen in Hisayama-cho, Fukuoka in Kyushu in 1919 and it was the most numerous. After discovering about 40,000 pieces in the same prefecture and in the Miyazaki prefecture at around 1960, there were no excavation that reached 10,000 pieces ever since. For the first time large quantity of excavation was noted after about 50 years. Professor Sakuragi was saying that "these were precious historical records for looking into the economic activities, the technical level, and the religious faith in those days.”

Obviously, this is an important historical finding for studying the economic and cultural flow between China and Japan.

