2012年6月14日 星期四


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
インドネシア国軍筋によると、各国はこれまでも、自国が主張する排他的経済水域(EEZ)で個別にパトロールを実施。連携パトロールは、各国海軍の艦艇が無線で情報を交換して行動を調整し、哨戒の効果を上げる。実施時期は未定だが、「なるべく早期に始めたい」としている。  ナトゥナ海域では、4か国などがEEZを設定しているのに加え、中国も一部海域の領有権を主張し、中国漁業局の武装監視船を伴った漁船団が「違法操業」を何度も強行。2010年6月には、インドネシアが中国の漁船団を拿捕したところ、武装監視船2隻が解放を要求、にらみ合いの末にインドネシアが解放に応じたこともある。 (2012年6月12日22時15分 読売新聞)
On the 12th regarding the  countries around the ocean area of Indonesia Kepulauan Natuna islands in South China Sea - the countries of the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei, it was understood that together the navy of these four nations was considering patrol cooperation.
The aim was to monitor the "Illegal operation" etc. of the fishing boats of China a country that had  asserted sovereignty on part of the ocean area, and to oppose the hegemony expansion of China in South China Sea.
According to the Indonesia national army sources, individual countries up to now patroled independently in their exclusive economic zone (EEZ) asserted by the respective country. With patrol co-operation, the navy warship of individual countries would exchange information on radio, and made adjustment action to enhance the effect of the patrol. Although the enforcement schedule was undecided, it was supposed that "if possible, they would like to begin at an early stage".
In Natuna ocean area, in addition to the four nations etc. that  had set up EEZ, China also asserted their right over a part of the ocean area. The fishing fleets accompanied by the armed patrol boats of the China fishery office had enforced "illegal operation" repeatedly. When Indonesia captured a Chinese fishing fleet in June, 2010, two armed patrol boats demanded release, at the end of the stand-off, Indonesia complied to the release demand.

The decision of the four countries to link up to perform the ocean patrol is predictable.

