2012年2月29日 星期三


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
Regarding the trial calculation made by the research team of professor Naoshi Hirata and others from the University of Tokyo earthquake research institute which presupposed that there might be a 70% probability that a magnitude (M)7 earthquake might occur in south Kanto within four years from now, on the 9th the Earthquake Research Committee of the country saw it as "having low accuracy", and expressed the view that the conventional long-term forecast which supposed that "the occurring probability within 30 years will be 70% from now on" had not changed.
Professor Hirata and the team's trial probability calculation was generated on the basis of the increased number of the earthquake beyond M3 occurred after the East Japan great earthquake in the Kanto district. On the other hand, the Earthquake Investigation Committee presupposed that "with regard to the base of the setting, because it counts the size of the earthquake and the region of occurrence, it could change greatly, and the chance for error is high". Katsuyuki Abe the chairman of the Earthquake Investigation Committee said, "There is no difference from a 70% chance of having an impending situation within the coming 30 years".

Many Japanese are worrying about another big earthquake at South Kanto

